UUP Professional Prior Service

The [Article XI, Title C.4(c)(1)] states that a new professional employee may request up to three (3) years of credit for prior SUNY professional service, at the time of appointment at 海角乱伦社区:

(c) Service Credit

(1) In determining eligibility for permanent appointment under this section, satisfactory fulltime prior service in a professional title at any one college of the University may, at the request of the professional employee and in the discretion of the Chancellor, or designee, be credited as service, up to a maximum of three years, at the time of appointment at another college. Waiver of all or part of this service credit shall be granted upon written request of the employee to the chief administrative officer not later than six months after the date of appointment at that college.

Request Process

Before submitted a request for prior service credit, the new professional staff member should consult with their immediate supervisor.

A formal, written request must be approved through supervisory channels, starting with your supervisor, at the time of appointment.

The request should include the prior campus, prior official budget title, full-time status, inclusive dates of employment and the total number of years requested.  The maximum is three (3) years.

Once approved through supervisory channels, the Office of Human Resources will review and verify the prior service claim.  After this, you will receive a letter (copied to your supervisor, department head and dean) confirming the crediting of your prior service and advising you of your new projected permanent appointment date.

Please contact Human Resources for additional information and guidance.