- General
- New Hire
- Faculty Employment
- Professional Employment
- Classified Employment
- Essential Employee Program
- Students
- Graduate Assistant/Teaching Assistant
- Payroll
- HR Masters and Coordinators
- Position Request Form
- Tax Treaty Questions
- Benefits
- Retirement
- Manager/Supervisor
- Search Committee
- Workers Compensation
Can you give me the number to another department or individual not in your office?
Please check the .
How do I verify my insurance coverage?
Employees in any bargaining unit can verify health insurance coverage by checking for a health insurance deduction on their payroll check or by contacting benefits staff at 607-777-4850.
CSEA employees can verify vision and dental insurance coverage by contacting the CSEA Employee Benefit Fund at 800-323-2732.
UUP employees can verify vision and dental insurance coverage by contacting the UUP Benefit Trust Fund at 800-887-3863.
Council 82, NYSCOPBA, M/C, and PEF employees can verify vision and dental insurance coverage by contacting benefits staff at 607-777-4850.
Can you tell me why I did not receive a canvass letter?
It is possible that the employer/department canvassed those who had a test score that was higher than yours, or perhaps you were no longer appearing on the eligible list. Contact Human Resources at 607-777-2187 for specific questions.
How long will it be before I receive the results from the Civil Service test that
I just took?
Response times can vary, but for more specific information, see the .
What is the next step after I receive my Civil Service results?
Watch for canvass letters and be sure you respond to each one.
Can you tell me where I am on the canvass list (Keyboard Specialist, Secretary 1,
Clerk 1, etc....)?
Placement varies depending upon many factors and can change based upon the responses of those who are higher on the list. If selected for an interview, you will be contacted.
Can you tell me where to find any vacancy at the University?
In addition to New York State (NYS) employment, there are several other employers on the 海角乱伦社区 campus. Open NYS positions, including faculty, classified, and professional are posted on our website. Information for other employers on campus is also included here. -
Who do I contact for a reasonable accommodation?
Please click here for more information on reasonable accommodation.
Where can I find Reasonable Accommodation Forms (ADA)?
Please click here for more information on reasonable accommodation.
What is your fax number?
Where can I get a verification of employment?
Please fax your request to 607-777-4947 including a signed authorization release. You will receive an answer within 5 business days.
When can I come in to do a typing test?
Please contact Human Resources at 607-777-2187 to arrange an appointment. -
Can you tell me how to get in touch with someone from Sodexo?
Telephone: 607-777-4689 Web site: Location: Fine Arts Building, Room 187
How do I change my address with Human Resources?
Please visit our Address Change web page.
Why would I need to do a new I-9 if I've done one previously?
For U.S. citizens, I-9's are valid for up to three years. If you have had a break in service you may be required to complete a new one. -
What is the tobacco use policy on 海角乱伦社区 owned property?
The current Tobacco Use and Smoking Policy can be found online. 海角乱伦社区 is a tobacco-free campus.
New Hire
What documents do I need to complete my I-9?
The documents that you may use are listed on the back of the I-9 form.
How often do I renew my I-9?
If you are a citizen, once every three years, whenever there has been any break in service, or if you have a name change. If you are an international student, the I-9 should be renewed every time your I20 or DS 2019 expires, if you have a change in status, or a name change.
When do I get paid?
This varies depending upon your employee group, your start date, and the timely processing of new hire paperwork. In general, we are on the New York state lag payroll, which means the paychecks are issued every other Wednesday for faculty and staff, and every other Thursday for student employees. The initial paycheck is generally received three to four weeks after the hire date.
Where do I pick up my paycheck?
If you are a faculty/staff member, including graduate assistant/teaching assistant, the paychecks and direct deposit advices are distributed within your department. If you are a student employee, you can pick up your paycheck or direct deposit advice at the Student Payroll Service Center in the Couper Administration Building, 2nd Floor, room 225.
What do I do with my time sheets?
You and your supervisor will sign the timesheet and forward it to Human Resources.
Who do I talk to about my health insurance?
You may contact an employee benefits staff member, including lstento@binghamton.edu 607-777-6950 or kkocan@binghamton.edu 607-777-2042.
How do I sign up for direct deposit?
To set up direct deposit for the first time, or to make any changes to an existing direct deposit, please complete the Direct Deposit form.
To reactivate direct deposit after a break in service, please complete the Direct Deposit Reactivate form.
Send your signed, original form to Human Resources/Payroll.
*Please note: If you are adding direct deposit to any bank account that has a co-owner, your co-owner must also sign the direct deposit form.
Faculty Employment
If I start at the beginning of the fall semester, why does my pay start effective
Please reference the below policy from the SUNY Board of Trustees (page 19, Title H. Appointment Year, Section 3). For more information, see the .
"Appointment Year. Unless the terms of appointment otherwise provide, the normal appointment year shall be from September 1 to August 31, regardless of the payroll mode; provided, however, that an academic year employee may be required to commence the employee's professional obligation at a date reasonably prior to September 1 as may be necessitated by a college's operating requirements."
Why is my first check different than the ones that follow?
Your first paycheck may not represent a full payroll period, depending upon your start date.
Employee starts on 09/01/09. The New York State payroll period in which this date falls is August 20 through September 2, 2009. In this case, the employee would receive 2 days pay out of the 14 days for that first pay period; subsequent paychecks would include the full 14 days. -
If I multiply my check by 26 (the number of payperiods annually), why doesn't it match
the salary stated in my offer letter?
The State of New York pays full time faculty members for 365 (or 366) days per year. Your annual salary is multiplied by the mathematical factor .038356 (or .038251) to yield your bi-weekly gross salary.
I am a full-time calendar year employee; I only have a work obligation during the
fall and spring semesters. How is my salary figured if I take the spring semester
off without pay?
The year is divided into two payment periods, fall semester which is 09/01 through 2/28 or 2/29, and spring semester which is 03/01 through 08/31. This allows you to receive full pay and benefits during the summer months when you do not have a teaching obligation. If you take a leave without pay for the spring semester, you would go off the payroll on 03/01 and return to the payroll on 09/01.
I'm wondering about the requirement to complete a leave accrual record if I did not
take any time off.
As part of the SUNY system, we are a New York State (NYS) agency for employment purposes. While certifying faculty and staff presence is a requirement for NYS service, the accruals we earn are a very important benefit. Sick leave accruals keep us in pay status when ill, or when caring for a family member who is ill; these accruals become particularly important if a lengthy period of time is required. Your accruals are reported throughout your career to the state time & attendance system, and if you retire from NYS service, your unused sick leave accruals are credited toward your retiree health insurance premiums.
For more information please see the
"Attendance Records. Employees shall be required to certify their presence and record any absences on forms to be provided by the State. Employees shall also be required to record on such forms any changes to or accruals of vacation, or sick leave credits. Such forms shall be submitted to the College President, or designee, for review on a monthly basis."
Professional Employment
I applied for a job online. How do I check or update the documents I provided, such
as my resume and cover letter?
Uploading additional or different documents, or checking the documents you supplied for an application, is done online through Interview Exchange. Log into (as a Job Seeker). Then, click the Applications tab and follow the menu options. Further system help can be accessed by clicking the Help Desk option.
To whom can I address my cover letter?
"To the Search Committee"
I applied for a job online. Did you get my resume?
You would have received an automated email from 海角乱伦社区-Interview Exchange when your application is complete. To check, you can log back into as a Job Seeker. If you can view your application, the Search Committee also can view it.
I sent a performance program/evaluation for an employee on my staff. Did you receive
After allowing a few days for the performance program/evaluation to be reviewed and entered into SUNY HR by HR staff, your department HR master can look in SUNY to see the due dates for all the people in your area. For assistance, contact Jonathan Roma at 607-777-3321.
Can you give me the balances from my last leave record?
It's a good idea to keep a copy of your last record, including corrections you may have received from HR. If you don't have a copy, please contact Jill Walker for UUP Professional Time Records at 607-777-6933.
Where can I find a leave accrual form and instructions?
You will find them online in SUNY HR Time & Attendance. -
I'd like to hire someone for a temporary position. What is the process?
You will need to submit a position request web form requesting approval to fill a position. Once you've received approval to fill the position, the Hire/Rehire HR Form is completed by your department. -
How long may a professional employee remain in a temporary position?
In most cases, professionals may remain in a full-time temporary position for up to a year.
What documents will be required for my new hire?
All of the new hire forms are grouped by employee type.
Please note: *The federally required I-9 form, which verifies identity and employment eligibility, must be signed in person at Human Resources (Couper Administration Building 2nd Floor, Room 244).
Classified Employment
How can I apply for a cleaning job?
The mass cleaning hiring process occurs once per year and applications aren't accepted outside this time frame. Call Human Resources at 777-2187 for more information.
What's the process for a promotion within the competitive class?
The promotional process follows Call Human Resources at 607-777-2187 for more information.
What is the performance evaluation cycle for the classified service?
OSU: January 31 to January 30 annually
ASU, ISU, PEF and NYSCOPBA: March 1 to February 28 annually
I'm an annual classified service employee - when is my timesheet due?
Classified service employees who submit a timesheet biweekly should make sure that the timesheet is signed by their supervisor and submitted by the Friday following the end of the pay period (). If the immediate supervisor isn't available, the back-up signatory should sign the timesheet.
My overtime/holiday isn't included in my current paycheck - why not?
If you opted for money for both overtime and worked holidays, this payment typically occurs two weeks after it is worked. For specific questions, contact Payroll/Human Resources.
Where can I find more information about Classified Service Employment (including exams,
applications, promotions, canvasing, etc.)?
The has an extensive list of more detailed civil service questions and answers online.
Essential Employee Program
As an essential employee, am I required to report to work during an officially declared
State of Emergency?
Yes, as an essential employee you are required to report to work during a State of Emergency. If an essential employee cannot report to work because of a serious concern about personal safety or other extenuating circumstances, you must contact your supervisor to advise them of the situation as soon as possible.
Is there a charge to leave credits if I do not report to work as an essential employee?
Yes. Essential employees are required to charge leave accruals if they do not report.
What is a directed departure?
A directed departure is when the emergency takes place during the workday and University petitions and receives approval from the Governor鈥檚 Office of Employee Relations to send employees home without charge to their leave credits.
What happens if I do not report and there was a directed departure?
If an essential employee does not report and a directed departure takes place, then the employee is considered absent that day. They would not get the benefit of a directed departure and would have to charge leave credits.
As an essential employee, do I bank time if I am required to stay during a directed
No, you would not bank any time since this would be considered normal work time.
What happens if I get pulled over by the police for driving during a State of Emergency?
Unfortunately, the legal status of any 鈥榚ssential employee / emergency responder鈥 driving to the University during a state of emergency is solely a function of how the police view the wallet sticker. The police would not prevent the employee / emergency responder from continuing his / her travel to the University unless conditions were such that they were viewed as truly hazardous to the employee. If a problem were encountered, the employee should contact his / her supervisor to explain the situation. The supervisor should then contact UPD and UPD would make contact with the inquiring police department to discuss the 鈥渓egitimacy鈥 and the need for the emergency responder to continue to travel to BU if the employee could safely do so.
What happened if I get into an accident driving to or from work during a State of
Insurance policies can vary. Please contact your insurance provider for further information.
I just received a new University ID card. Where do I get a wallet sticker?
You can contact Denise Nawrocki at dnawrock@binghamton.edu or via phone 607-777-3060 for a new sticker.
What HR Form does the department complete to put a student on the payroll?
The department completes the Hire/Rehire or Concurrent Hire HR Form.
When will I receive my first pay check?
Employees on the student payrolls, including Federal Work Study and Student Assistants, are paid on a three-week lag payroll. If your department's hiring information was received by Human Resources by the appropriate payroll deadline, you would receive your first paycheck three to four weeks after your start date, then every two weeks thereafter. For example, an employee who begins to work on 02/27/2020 you would receive their first payment on 04/02/2020. Late receipt of hiring information delays the first check; however, all hours worked should be documented on time sheets and will be paid.
Where do I go to pick up my pay check?
The Student Payroll Service Center is located in AD 225. You may pick up your paycheck or direct deposit advice between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday on normal business days, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. during the Summer. Photo ID is required.
I handed in my timesheet but haven't been paid yet鈥攚hy?
If the hiring department had submitted the HR Form, it's possible that the time sheets may have not arrived (or came in late) for a particular pay period.
Can I work on campus if I'm under 18?
Yes, as long as you have the necessary working papers required by the NYS Dept. of Labor.
Sometimes I'm not sure when my Student Assistant/Federal Work Study timesheet is due
- especially for the end of the semester. Where would I find that info?
Information regarding the current semester's deadlines can be found in the HR Masters section of the forms page. The information regarding timesheet deadlines for the end of the semester is updated periodically on the HR News page.
Graduate Assistant/Teaching Assistant
Am I considered an employee of the University?
Yes, you are, and you are also represented by the Graduate Student Employees Union (GSEU), which is the educational division of the Communications Workers of American Local 1104.
I'm a Clark Fellow. When do I receive my winter and/or summer payment?
You will be asked to complete a payment voucher by the Graduate School.
When will I receive my first paycheck?
The state pays the graduate assistant/teaching assistant payroll on a two-week lag basis. This means that after you complete your first two weeks of employment, you receive your paycheck two weeks after that, provided that required new employee paperwork has been completed. -
Where do I receive my paychecks or direct deposit advices?
GA/TA paychecks or direct deposit advices are provided to your department and are generally distributed by departmental secretaries. Please check with your department secretary for specific distribution locations within your office area. -
I did not receive my first check on the date I had expected; what should I do?
There may be several different explanations. Please contact Tyler Namyak in Human Resources at 607-777-3624.
What happened to my direct deposit? I had direct deposit last semester.
When there is a break in the payroll cycle, such as there is between the spring and fall semesters, direct deposit is discontinued. You may reactivate direct deposit using the Direct Deposit reactivation form. -
My employment is changing from the Research Foundation payroll to the state payroll.
Will I have to sign up for health insurance again?
Yes, because the Research Foundation is a separate employer. The health insurance plan contracts and carriers are different from the state plans. To obtain health insurance for your GA/TA appointment on the state payroll, you will need to complete a new enrollment form in the Human Resources Office, Couper Administration Bldg., room 244, Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
I signed up for health insurance but haven't received a card yet.
It takes several weeks, from the time you enroll, to receive your health insurance card. If you need to use your insurance before you receive the card please contact Karen Kocan, 607-777-2042.
*Please note 鈥 we need to have all of your supporting documents before we can process your enrollment. Make sure that you have provided us with the following:
For yourself:
- Social Security Card
For your dependents:
- Proof of marriage (if adding spouse) or domestic partnership paperwork (if adding domestic partner)
- Proof of Social Security number(s) for all dependents
- Proof of date(s) of birth for all dependents
When will I receive my final paycheck?
You should receive your final paycheck approximately two weeks after your last day of employment (this date should be stated on your appointment letter). -
Who is my primary contact in Human Resources for questions about my GA/TA appointment?
Tyler Namyak at tnamyak@binghamton.edu or 607-777-3624.
How do I access my W-2 Form online?
To access and print your W-2 online, please review this guide.
How do I sign up for direct deposit?
To set up direct deposit for the first time or to make any changes to an existing direct deposit please complete, sign and submit the following form: Direct Deposit *
To reactivate direct deposit after a break in service, please complete, sign and submit the following form: Direct Deposit Reactivate.
You will send your signed, original form to Human Resources/Payroll.
*Please note: If you are adding direct deposit to any bank account that has a co-owner, your co-owner must also sign the direct deposit form.
Do I need to bring my direct deposit form to my bank and have them fill it out?
No 鈥 If you are depositing to a checking account and can attach a blank, VOIDED check to the form, the bank does not need to complete any information on the form.
No 鈥 If you are changing an amount or distribution percentage to an existing account 鈥 the bank does not have to fill it out, but if it is a joint account we do require both signatures.
Yes 鈥 If your are depositing to a savings account, or to a checking (without attaching a blank, VOIDED check), then you must have your bank complete Section C of the direct deposit form.
When will direct deposit go into effect for my paycheck?
The general rule of thumb is to submit your direct deposit form two Fridays prior to pay day, to allow us to meet the entry deadline and ensure activation of the direct deposit. It's important to complete the contact information in section A, so there will be no delays in processing your form if we have questions.
Do I need to re-activate direct deposit every (academic) year?
Yes 鈥 if you have had a break in service for more than three pay periods then you must reactivate Direct Deposit using the Direct Deposit Reactivation Form. If you have made changes to your bank account(s), you must use a Direct Deposit Enrollment Form.
I want my payments to be directly deposited into my ONLINE bank account. What form
do I use?
鈥婸lease use the AC-2722 form for direct deposit enrollment. The Office of the State Comptroller, who oversees the payroll for faculty, staff and students paid on the NY State payroll, will only allow deposits to exclusively-online banking institutions who participate in the Federal automated clearinghouse system (ACH). Direct deposit to online checking accounts are accepted if the check from the banking institution provides the specific account number, routing information, and the printed name/address of the account holder(s). However, any deposits to online savings accounts will require signatures from the actual online bank staff. If these signatures cannot be obtained, we cannot allow direct deposit into the online account.
When will I receive my first pay check?
New York State employees are paid on a biweekly lag basis, which means that payment is made either two or three weeks after the completion of the pay period.
If you are an employee on the Faculty/Staff or Graduate/Teaching Assistant payroll, your first check or direct deposit advice will be issued at the end of the 2nd pay period after you begin working. For most people, it is approximately 4 weeks after you begin work. You may or may not receive a full paycheck for the first pay period, depending upon when your first day of work occurred in the pay cycle, and if your bargaining unit includes a provision for salary withholding.
If you are an employee on the Student Assistant, or Federal College Work Study payroll, your first check or direct deposit advice will be issued 1 week after the end of your second pay period worked. For most people, it is approximately 5 weeks after you begin work. Since these payrolls have an hourly pay basis, your check or advice should reflect all hours worked in the first pay period.
All payment dates are dependent upon payroll deadlines. If appointment paperwork is received after the payroll deadline, a significant delay in payment may occur.
Where do I go to pick up my pay check?
If you are a Student Assistant or Federal Work Study, at the Student Payroll Service Center, Room 225, in the Couper Administration Building. Their hours of operation are 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday during the academic year. Please check HR News on the Human Resources main page (hr.binghamton.edu) for information on summer hours of operation.
If you are a Graduate or Teaching Assistant, or Professional, Faculty or Staff your check goes directly to your department. Please contact your department representative for details on your paycheck distribution.
How do I change my tax withholding?
To change your federal withholding, please complete a new W-4 form.
To change your New York state withholding, please complete a new IT-2104 form.
How soon do I need to submit tax withholding changes for a paycheck?
The general rule of thumb is to submit your tax withholding form two Fridays prior to the pay day to allow us to meet the entry deadline and ensure activation of the tax withholding change. -
I'd like to claim exemption from taxes. What forms do I need?
To claim exempt on your federal withholding, please complete the W-4 form. Leave blocks 5 and 6 blank and fill in exempt on line 7.
To claim exempt on your New York Sate withholding, please complete the IT-2104E form.
My permanent address is within the five boroughs of New York City. How does this affect
my taxes?
On the IT-2104, you must indicate NYC or Yonkers residency. Based upon this information, our office will enter local taxes for NYC. You must also indicate a withholding allowance on line 2.
How do I get a replacement copy of my W-2? May I request replacement of W-2s from
prior years?
We have the ability to reissue replacement W-2 forms from the prior year beginning in mid February. Previous years may be requested at any time. However, due to new requirements from the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC), duplicate W-2 forms must be reviewed and approved by OSC before they can be reissued to employees. Employees requesting a duplicate W-2 should fill in the W-2 Reissue Request form found at this link:
The W-2 reissue request MUST include an ORIGINAL signature; therefore we cannot accept electronic submissions. Because the W-2 includes a full Social Security number, we are also unable to send duplicate W-2s electronically. We will be happy to mail your reissued W-2 via USPS to your current address. Contact Mary Bell at 607-777-5327. Questions regarding W-2 replacement policies should be directed to Cheryl Robinson at 607-777-2129.
This year, my W-2 reflects a much lower tax amount in block 2 than last year. I haven鈥檛
made any changes in my Federal tax withholding allowances. How could this happen?
In 2020, an economic stimulus package was implemented. Part of the package included a reduction in Federal tax withholding tables. This program may have caused a decrease in tax withholding for many employees, resulting in an increase in net (take-home) pay each pay period, without a corresponding change in withholding status. The significance of this decrease depends on tax withholding status, and taxable income. Employees are encouraged to review their own tax data to determine if changes may be necessary. While our office cannot give tax advice, questions can be directed to Cheryl Robinson at 607-777-2129.
I handed in my time sheet but haven't been paid yet鈥攚hy?
Although the HR office can confirm a pending payment, this usually requires contacting your department, because the paperwork for your appointment may not have been completed. If the paperwork was completed, then your time sheets may have arrived after the deadline.
I lost my paycheck; can you help?
We can, in most cases, get your paycheck replaced. It can take up to 3 or 4 weeks. Please contact the Human Resources Office at 607-777-6284 for assistance. -
I'm a Classified employee, will I be paid "extra" money for working a Holiday?
Employees who are required to work on a holiday will receive holiday pay (straight time) in addition to their Regular pay, unless they have elected to receive time instead. Employees who are required to work on Thanksgiving and Christmas will receive holiday pay at time and a half, in addition to their Regular pay, unless they have elected to receive time instead.
HR Masters and Coordinators
Who is an HR Coordinator?
If you submit HR transaction forms you are an HR Coordinator.
I've submitted a form and cannot tell if it is approved or not. How do I know the
status of my transaction?
You can see the status of your forms in the status column on the "My Forms" tab.
You can see more detailed information about the form status (who has approved/rejected) from the comments tab within the form.
What status tells me that my form has been final approved?
- PA 鈥 Pending Approval: The form has been submitted and is in the approval process.
- PR 鈥 Rejected: Pending Review: The form is in process and has been rejected.
- H 鈥 Pending SUNY HR Entry: The form has been Final Approved by HR
- Z 鈥 Completed: The transaction has been entered into SUNY. Please note that this is a future status 鈥 you will not currently see forms in Z status.
When does a form come off the "My Form" list?
Can I make changes to a form I've submitted before it reaches final approval?
No, once the form has been submitted it is not editable by the person who submitted it unless it is rejected back to them.
I'm changing someone from Temporary status to Term. Which form do I use?
It depends. It's best to contact the employment area involved (Faculty or Professional, in this case) to ask the best transaction to choose.
If a form gets rejected will I get an email notification?
No, you will not receive an email. The form will appear as a pending Rejection on your home page in the Pending Forms box and on your Pending Rejections tab in your list (of forms).
If a form I did gets rejected how will I know why it was rejected?
There should be a note in the comments section of the form telling you why the form was rejected.
How do I navigate to the comments section?
How do I navigate to the comments section?
It depends on if you are viewing the form or would like to update and re-submit a rejected form.
To update and resubmit a rejected form:
- Click into your Pending Rejections tab
- Click on the Pencil
- Click "Yes" to edit the form
- Click on the comments tab.
To view the form (not editable):
- Click on List
- Click on the My Forms tab
- Click on the magnifying glass
- Click "OK"
- Click on the Comments tab.
What is a Role?
Roles represent an individual's various employment and/or volunteer affiliations with the campus. A person may be re-appointed to a role that has an end date. -
How do I know which role to select?
If a person has a role on the payroll that you are trying to appoint to or update 鈥 choose the established role.
If the established role has an end date you will need to rehire or re-appoint the employee to re-activate that role.
When do I select new role?
If a person has prior affiliation(s) but does not have an established role on the payroll that you are trying to appoint to, choose New Role.
When do I choose a New Employee role?
If no information comes up when you submit a person search, choose new employee.
What is the difference between a concurrent hire and an Assignment add?
A concurrent hire is used to hire a current employee to another (different) payroll.
For example is you are hiring John Smith as a Federal College Work Study and he appears in the person search page with an active Student Assistant employee status (in a 28021 STSTU role with no end date) you would choose concurrent hire.
A Position Add/Update 鈥&苍产蝉辫;An add Student Assignment transaction is used to add an additional Student Assistant appointment to a current Student Assistant employee (in a 28021 STSTU role with no end date).
When do I hire a student assistant as a new role?
If the student appears on the person search page but does not have a STSTU role.
When should I update the campus address for a student employee?
For Student Assistant, the first department to hire the student will provide the campus address. Departments who then add additional assignments do not need to change/update the campus address.
For Federal College Work Study appointments always provide the correct campus address.
Do I have to put an End Date for a Student Assistant?
The end date is not required for a new Student Assistant appointment.
What if I want to end an assignment?
If the student has prior commitments (different rates or accounts) that you would like ended; please enter the end date in the appropriate commitment row.
There is no Benefit Flag for GA/TAs 鈥 what choice do I use?
For all GA/TA appointments: please leave blank. -
How do I know which Benefit Flag to use for Faculty/Staff?
Benefit Flag General Guidelines:
For Classified appointments: must be 50% to be benefits eligible. For Faculty appointments: must be teaching two classes. For Professional appointments: eligibility based on salary and length of employment 鈥 contact Employee Benefits to verify.
Is the account number mandatory?
Yes, you must provide the correct SUNY account number for every transaction that asks for this information.
What account do I use for GA/TA's that are paid under the Graduate School?
Contact the Graduate School to verify correct funding account. -
Can I get historical data?
Yes, this would be a custom report, available by request from Human Resources. Please visit the HR Master and Coordinator web page for more information. -
Where can I look up the N Number?
Employee N numbers are available on the "Person Search" page of the HR transaction forms by looking someone up by B number or last name and date of birth.
N numbers are also provided in many reports provided by Human Resources
Is there a list of what each report will tell me?
Yes, a list of fields included in each report that HR can provide is available on the HR Master and Coordinators web page.
Position Request Form
When do I need to complete a position request form?
A position request form needs to be submitted to the Human Resource office:
To request approval to fill all positions on the faculty/staff payroll whether the person is going to work for one hour or indefinitely.
To change the funding source of a position on the faculty/staff or GA/TA payrolls. Please remember, when you change the funding on this form you need to change the funding source (award) in the Labor distribution schedule and when you change the funding in the Labor schedule you need to do a position request form for these two payrolls.
To request a reclassification (change in title or grade) for an existing position.
To move a position from one organization to another.
What happens to my position requests?
All position requests for the faculty staff payroll are submitted to the appropriate Vice President's office for approval and if the use of state funds are involved, to the Budget Office for approval. When approved, the Human Resource Office will convert the position status to valid and will notify the program area that the position is available to be filled on the designated effective date. -
Do I have to request approval for adjunct positions every semester?
It depends. If you initially requested approval to fill for the full academic year, it is not necessary to request a new approval to fill for the spring semester. However, if you just requested approval to fill for one semester and now want to expend that appointment into the next semester you will need to have a new approval to fill. A basic rule to keep in mind is a new approval fill is required whenever you want to extend an appointment beyond the previously provided tentative end date.
Tax Treaty Questions
I received the tax treaty documents you sent to me. However, I recently applied for
my Social Security Number but have not yet received it. What do I do with the tax
treaty documents?
Keep the documents until you receive your social security card. After you receive your social security card, write your Social Security Number in the places where it is needed on the documents. Then, sign and date the documents and return them to me through the campus mail system to: Human Resources/ Luanne Stento.
I received the instructions you sent to me to access the Foreign National Information
System (FNIS) website so I can enter my information for a tax analysis. Do I have
to enter information into all of the fields?
The required fields are indicated in BOLD print and are the only ones that must be filled in. The other fields are not required and do not need to be answered.
I am entering information in FNIS for "Step 5: Visa/Immigration History" about my
previous visits to the U.S. but cannot remember the exact date. I can recall the year
and the month, but not the exact day of the month. What do I do?
If you cannot recall the exact day of your arrival or departure date, use the first of the month for the day of your arrival or departure date. Example 1: If you recall that you arrived in the U.S. around August 2003, then use August 1, 2003 for your arrival date. Example 2: If you recall that you departed the U.S. around May 2004, use May 1, 2004 for your departure date.
I cannot recall the password I created to enter the FNIS website and I have not yet
finished entering my information. Can you help me?
Yes. For assistance with your User ID and/or Password, please send an email message to Allison Gilli, Tax Treaty Specialist, to say that you need assistance with your User ID and/or Password. Her email address is: agilli@binghamton.edu.
I returned the tax treaty documents that were sent to me for my signature last week.
However, my paycheck shows that federal and state taxes were withheld from my paycheck
this week. Why were the taxes taken out of my check?
It takes approximately one payroll cycle for the tax treaty exemption to become effective. The tax exemption is usually effective with the second paycheck received after the tax treaty exemption documents are returned to the Human Resources Office. Please send an email message to Luanne Stento, Tax Treaty Specialist, with a request to confirm that the tax treaty documents have been received and with which paycheck the tax treaty exemption will become effective. Her email address is: lstento@binghamton.edu. -
I am a F-1 or J-1 student who has been in the U.S. for more than five years. I am
a resident for tax purposes. Can I also be a resident for tuition purposes?
No. Residency for tax purposes (based on federal income tax law) is different from residency for tuition purposes (established by the State University of New York). So, a F-1 student who has been in the U.S. for more than five years may be considered a resident for tax purposes, but not for tuition purposes.
What documents do I need to provide for enrolling in health insurance/dental/vision
You must provide the following document(s) as applicable:
- Yourself 鈥 proof of social security number and date of birth.
- Spouse 鈥 marriage certificate, proof of social security number, proof of financial obligation if married more than one year, AND proof of date of birth.
- Other dependents 鈥 proof of social security number AND proof of date of birth. Dependent children over age 19 also need to provide proof of full-time student status.
Additional information is required to enroll a domestic partner, please ask for a special packet of information from Employee Benefits or go to the Forms page, then select the Domestic Partnership forms.
Who qualifies as a dependent?
Eligible dependents include your spouse (including your same sex spouse if you have a marriage certificate from a jurisdiction in which same sex marriage is legal 鈥 ask for more details); same or opposite sex domestic partner; your unmarried children under age 19, which includes your natural children, legally adopted children and dependent step children; and your unmarried children between the ages of 19 and 25 if registered as a full-time student. Please contact Employee Benefits (607-777-2042) to ask about eligibility for 鈥榦ther' dependents.
Who qualifies as a domestic partner?
Your same or opposite sex domestic partner who must be 18 years of age or older, unmarried and not related in a way that would bar marriage. You must be co-residing and financially interdependent. At the time of application, you must have been in this partnership for 6 months. You must be able to prove both residential and financial interdependence.
Please note that there are tax implications, referred to as "imputed income," when adding a domestic partner. For further information please go to the Forms page, then select the Domestic Partnership forms.
How do I find a participating provider for the Empire Plan?
Through the Department of Civil Service website at .
You can call the NYSHIP Empire Plan toll free phone number directly at 1-877-7-NYSHIP (1-877-769-7447). There is a printed book of participating providers available in the Human Resources Office. You should use caution when using this book as it is only as current as the day it was printed. Also, please note, it is very important that you ask the physicians office directly if they "participate with the New York State Employees Empire Plan."
How do I find a dental/vision participating provider?
Depending upon your affiliation with the university, where you access this information will vary, as the carriers are different. For all state sponsored dental and vision units (GSEU, PEF, MC, NYSCOPBA and C82), you can access this information at the Department of Civil Service website . For those employees represented by UUP, you can access this information at or by calling the benefit fund at 1-800-887-3863. For CSEA represented employees, you can access this information at or by calling 1-800-323-2732.
Will I get separate dental/vision insurance cards?
For all state sponsored dental and vision units (GSEU, PEF, MC, NYSCOPBA and C82), you will received two separate cards for these programs. Dental is provided by GHI and vision by EyeMed. For employees represented by UUP and CSEA benefit funds, you will not receive a separate ID card.
Can I enroll or change from individual to family coverage anytime?
You can enroll for insurance or change from individual to family at anytime; however, the effective date is dependent upon the reason for the change.
- With prompt notification of a qualifying event, the change could be effective as of the date of the event or shortly thereafter.
- Without prompt notification or without a qualifying event, the effective date may be as long as 10 weeks from the request date.
Can I change from family coverage to individual coverage or cancel my insurance completely
at any time?
- If your premiums are deducted on a pre-tax basis, you may change coverage with prompt notice of a qualifying event. Without a qualifying event, you may change coverage during the annual option transfer period only.
- If post-tax, you may change or cancel coverage at anytime.
What is considered a qualifying event?
A change in family status (e.g.. marriage, birth, death, divorce, or only dependent child's attaining the maximum age for coverage).
If you are enrolled in an HMO and you no longer live or work in the HMO's service area, you must choose another HMO or the Empire Plan. Other qualifying events can include:
- Your spouse loses coverage due to termination of employment
- You first become eligible for health insurance coverage
- Your employment with the State terminates
- Your spouse has a change in employment status which results in either acquiring or losing eligibility for health insurance coverage
- You receive a divorce/legal separation and are required under court order to provide insurance for your eligible dependent children and/or legally separated spouse.
What is a co-payment?
It is a routine out-of pocket expense that the enrollee/patient pays when using a participating provider.
What is a deductible?
The amount of out of pocket expenses you must pay before your insurance will begin to pay. This is only applicable when using an out of network provider under the Empire Plan. -
I enrolled in the SUNY ORP with TIAA; however, I have contacted them and they are
showing an account balance of zero. Where is my money?
There is a 366 day vesting period for new employees enrolling in the Optional Retirement Program (ORP). During this vesting period, your 3% contribution is held in an escrow type account and is not invested with TIAA-CREF. Once you have satisfied your 366 day vesting period, the accumulations of your 3%, plus the state's contributions, going back to the first day, are then sent to TIAA-CREF and are invested into your allocation choices. From that point forward, every 2 weeks your money plus the state's money is sent directly to TIAA-CREF to be invested.
If you separate from service prior to vesting, you are entitled for a refund of your own contributions, plus any interest accumulated, but you would not be entitled to any state contributions.
I recently turned age 65 鈥 does this have any effect my benefits?
As long as an employee is actively working in a benefits eligible position, no matter your age, NYSHIP will be your primary insurance carrier. Once you are age 65 and eligible for Medicare, we suggest that while you are still working, that you enroll in Medicare Part A only. Part A is the hospitalization portion and is a free benefit to you. Keep in mind that in this scenario, Medicare Part A would be secondary coverage for you as long as you are working and eligible for NYSHIP. Most people do not take Medicare Part B until they are no longer working (retired), as this would be secondary insurance to your NYSHIP coverage and there is a monthly premium for Part B, which is the major medical portion of Medicare.
Please keep in mind that once you are retired or no longer working and reach age 65, you MUST be enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B.
I have decided to retire, what paperwork do I need to do?
- If you are a member of one of the New York State Retirement Systems' (ERS or TRS), you will need to file an application for service retirement with the appropriate retirement system. Please keep in mind that retirement applications must be filed and received by the applicable retirement system at least 30 days prior to retirement, but not more than 90 days prior. For employees in the Optional Retirement Program, you should contact the appropriate carrier when you are ready to discuss your options.
- You must notify your department, in writing, at least 30 days prior to your retirement date.
- You will need to meet with a Human Resources representative to finalize health insurance paperwork prior to your retirement date.
- Visit our Preparing for Retirement Checklist as a helpful resource
Who in Employee Benefits do I contact concerning my retirement?
For any questions concerning retirement, please contact Luanne Stento at 607-777-6950.
Will my current health insurance coverage continue into retirement?
Yes, the health insurance and prescription drug coverage that you are currently enrolled in as an active employee will continue into retirement as long as you meet the eligibility requirements. You may also continue to cover eligible dependents under your family coverage.
What are the eligibility requirements for continuing coverage in retirement?
- Age 55 years or older at retirement.
- Ten or more years of service in a position eligible for health insurance with SUNY or a participating agency at retirement.
- Participation in a health insurance plan immediately preceding the retirement date.
Will I receive a new health insurance identification card after I retire?
No, but you and your covered dependents will continue using your current identification card for health insurance and prescription drug coverage.
Who do I contact with questions about my health insurance/prescription drug coverage
after I retire?
After retirement, the New York State Department of Civil Service, Employee Benefits Division, in Albany will be responsible for any questions or changes in your coverage. They can be reached at 518-457-5754.
What is the cost of health insurance/prescription drug coverage in retirement?
Each year on January 1, the cost of the coverage changes. However, the state continues to pay 75% of the full cost for family coverage and 90% of the full cost for individual coverage. To learn the current monthly premiums for retiree coverage, please use the website at and reivew the retiree section. -
How will I pay for my retiree health insurance/prescription drug coverage?
At retirement, up to 200 days of your unused sick leave accruals will be converted to a monthly lifetime credit and used to offset the cost of the coverage. You will pay for your coverage only if the premium exceeds your monthly lifetime credit. In that case, you will pay the difference between your monthly lifetime credit and the premium.
How is the monthly lifetime credit calculated?
The monthly lifetime credit is calculated using a formula that includes the number of your accrued sick leave days, your salary, your age and an actuarial table. -
How will I pay for my retiree health insurance/prescription drug coverage if my monthly
credit does not cover the full cost of the monthly premium?
If you are a retiree of one of the state retirement plans, the difference in cost will be deducted each month from your pension check. If you are a retiree of the ORP, you will receive a bill for the difference in cost from the Division of Employee Benefits on a quarterly basis. -
If I predecease my covered spouse after retirement, can my spouse continue health
insurance coverage under my plan?
Yes, as long as your spouse remains un-remarried, coverage can continue under your plan. Your spouse will be required to contact the Division of Employee Benefits for the necessary details. -
How will my covered spouse pay for the retiree health insurance coverage after my
At retirement, you may specify that you want your surviving spouse to use your monthly lifetime credit to offset the cost of the survivor health insurance premium. This is called the Dual Annuitant Sick Leave Credit.
- If, at retirement, you choose to use 70% of your monthly lifetime credit, your surviving spouse will continue to use the same 70% monthly lifetime credit to offset the cost of their premium.
- If, at retirement, you choose to use 100% of your monthly lifetime credit, the credit will stop upon your death and your surviving spouse will pay the individual premium in effect at the time.
Can I change my health insurance plan after retirement?
Yes, you can change your plan once during any twelve month period by contacting the Division of Employee Benefits.
Does my retiree health insurance coverage change when I, or my covered dependent,
reach age 65?
Yes, when you and/or your covered dependent reach age 65, you must apply for Medicare B, which will become your primary health insurance coverage. Your state health insurance plan will be your secondary coverage.
Is there a cost associated with Medicare B?
Yes, the monthly cost of Medicare B usually changes each year on January 1 and is automatically deducted each month from your social security check. Please contact the Social Security Administration to determine the current cost of Medicare B coverage.
Will I be reimbursed for the cost of Medicare B?
Yes, because the state shares responsibility for your health insurance coverage with Medicare, the Division of Employee Benefits will reimburse you for the cost of Medicare B. If your spouse is a dependent on your state health insurance plan, the Division of Employee Benefits will reimburse you for the cost of your spouse's Medicare B coverage when applicable.
Beginning January 1, 2007, the Medicare Part B premium charges have been changed to a tiered basis which is determined by Individual or Joint income in retirement. The state will reimburse the minimum premium charged in each calendar year.
How will I be reimbursed for the cost of Medicare B?
If you are a retiree of one of the state retirement plans, the Division of Employee Benefits will include the reimbursement for yourself and/or your spouse in your monthly retirement check. If you are a retiree of TIAA-CREF, you will be reimbursed by separate check on a quarterly basis. -
Do my dental and vision care benefits continue after retirement?
The dental and vision care coverage you receive as an active employee will not continue into retirement. Some unions provide a retiree dental/vision care plan; please contact your union for that information. However, all retirees will be offered the opportunity to enroll in the GHI Retiree Dental Plan. This information will be sent automatically to your home address of record after your retirement date. -
How do I notify my department of my intent to retire?
For academic planning purposes, we ask that you inform your Department Chair or Dean at least one year before you retire. UUP and M/C employees need to notify their departments in writing at least 1 month before their retirement date. For CSEA, C82, PEF, NYSCOPBA employees, we ask that you inform your supervisor/department well in advance before you retire. The application to the Employee Retirement System (ERS) needs to be on file at least 30 days in advance. Advance notice to the supervisor/department allow for opportunities for replacement training, recruitment; and for accommodations for time off requests that many prospective employees find necessary and desirable.
What information needs to be included in the retirement letter for my department?
Your retirement letter must state that you are retiring from 海角乱伦社区 and include your name, date the letter is written and your last day on the payroll. For example, if your last day on the payroll is August 31, 20__, your letter would state in part "retiring on August 31, 20__ close of business."
Who else needs to be informed of my retirement?
The Benefits Office, AD 242, must receive a copy of your letter.
Do I need to meet someone in the Benefits Office when I decide to retire?
Yes, you must call the Benefits Office at 607-777-2042 and make an appointment with a staff member. At the time of your appointment, you will receive information and instructions about your retiree benefits as well as the required forms that must be completed in order to continue your health insurance /prescription drug benefits in retirement. You will also meet the Retiree Services Coordinator, Corinna Kruman, who will tell you about services 海角乱伦社区 offers to its retirees. -
When does the Benefits Office process my retiree benefits?
The Benefits Office must have verification of the final sick leave balance that you have accrued by your retirement date as well as a confirmation of the retirement date in order to process your retiree benefits. Once the Benefits Office has received this information, your retiree benefits will be processed the day your retirement goes into effect.
I'd like to hire someone for a temporary position. What is the process?
You will need to submit a position request web form requesting approval to fill or create a position. It is located online (link).
When you have received approval to fill the position, you will need to submit a Hire/Rehire HR Form.
What documents will be required for my new hire?
All of the new hire forms are now located on our web site (link).
Print each of these formsPlease note: * The I-9 form, (employment eligibility), must be signed in person at a Human Resources location most convenient for you: Couper Administration Building, 2nd Floor, room 225 (Student Payroll Services Center) , or Couper Administration Building, 2nd Floor, room 244.
Search Committee
What does "online recruiting/ applicant tracking" mean?
Simply put, it moves job applications from a paper/postage process to a web-based process. Instead of receiving resumes and cover letters primarily through the mail, a search committee will log into their Interview Exchange account and see candidate information: name, address, contact info, cover letter, resume, references, samples, etc. Candidates will answer a few questions determined by the search committee, and will attach their materials. The web-based service is through a vendor called "Interview Exchange" which provides the software program.
How much has the process changed for hiring a professional employee?
The basic process remains the same. Budget, VP and the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion approvals must still happen before a job is advertised, and the 10-day internal posting process remains in effect. The primary difference is that candidates apply through an online link instead of putting their materials in the mail, and search committees access candidate information primarily through Interview Exchange.
Why did the campus move to online applicant tracking?
Increasingly, applicants were asking for it, as well as a number of search committee members who regularly recruit. There are many advantages that helped drive the effort, including: reduced administrative burden for required reporting; the screening/sorting assistance for search committees; the ability for committees and the university to understand what advertising sources yield the most applicants; search committee members being able to review resumes online from any location that's web-accessible, and communicate from any distance; and an automatic email confirmation that candidate materials have been received. Human Resources researched available vendors for the online service and found the one-page application of Interview Exchange was the most user friendly at this time. -
What if the search committee wants to print the resumes or samples?
Committees can choose to print and keep paper copies of information the candidates supply. They may also ask individual candidates to send additional samples or other information at their discretion. -
What if a candidate sends a paper application through the mail?
You have a few options: communicate with them and ask that they apply online; or review their qualifications against your minimum requirements and type in their basic contact information to include them in your search. If it's a campus employee, share their name with Human Resources so internal candidate promotion status can be determined.
How will a campus employee know if they are an internal candidate?
Per the UUP Internal Promotion agreement, Human Resources will continue to verify Tier 1 Internal, Tier 2 Internal, or External candidate status for each applicant. At the end of the 10-day posting period, each campus employee applying to the posting will be notified of their Tier ranking by HR. The search committee will also be notified and should remember that they must review the materials of eligible internal candidates prior to reviewing external candidate resumes. The search committee is also responsible for responding to internal candidates, re: their status in the search before external candidate consideration. -
How will external candidates know the status of their application?
Interview Exchange will send an email to each applicant who completes the application process at the time it's submitted. This should address many complaints we have received in the past from external candidates who indicate they are never informed of their status in a given search. After this initial acknowledgement, the search committee is responsible for sending a message to those who are not selected for consideration. -
How is a search committee set up to use the system and view their posting online?
Human Resources sends each search committee member a user name and initial password as soon as the posting is ready to be advertised. The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion officer will also have viewing access to posted positions.
What if an applicant has trouble using the system?
The application process uses basic computer navigation skills. The applicant clicks on a link in the advertisement, which brings them right to the job description and application. They will see a few questions to answer "yes" or "no," then be asked to attach their resume and other documents. Then, they click the "Submit" button. There is a Help Desk feature which allows users to ask for Interview Exchange technical assistance directly if they should have problems.
Once the committee has sorted candidate materials submitted and "moved" them to certain
folders, can they retrieve complete lists of candidates?
Yes, selecting "All Folders/All Candidates" will retrieve a comprehensive list of every candidate who applied for the position, regardless of how their applications were sorted by the committee.
What about retaining files after the search has closed?
The system will keep a history of the job search, with electronic copies of all candidate materials, even after the recruitment has closed. You should also keep a summary of the search on file, including the job advertisement, position description, a list of all applicants and who was finally selected to meet the requirements. -
Instead of copying resumes of candidates we wish to interview/hire to the Office of
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, can we place them into an online folder and let ODEI
know they are ready to be reviewed?
Yes, and you will probably discover other ways to use the online folders to organize your searches. You should also move the selected candidate to the folder "Affirmative Action Part 3" so it can be viewed by HR and DEI. -
Where can I see examples and learn more?
Check our most recent vacancies on our
The web site for Interview Exchange gives you features and instructions. Check their information at
Workers Compensation
What is Workers' Compensation?
Workers' Compensation is the nation's oldest (1910) no-fault insurance program, and has some unique features. It was set up to provide immediate assistance to injured employees. Generally, related medical bills are paid under this program, and sometimes wage replacement benefits can be gained for employees who miss work due to work-related disabilities.
What are the wage replacement benefits?
Currently, the wage replacement benefit is 2/3 of pre-injury salary up to a maximum of $1063.05 per week effective July 1, 2021. For previous year rates please visit the link
It's important to note that there is a waiting period when no wage replacement benefits are paid. This waiting period is the first 7 calendar days starting when full work days were lost (usually the first 5 full work days for most employees). For the waiting period, the employee should use their leave credits. All partial work days lost for doctor's appointments, etc. are not covered under Workers' Compensation insurance. Following a due process decision from the Worker's Compensation Board (WCB), the University might be able to restore leave credits to the employee, partially or in full, at a later date. -
I need a claim number. What is this and where do I find it?
Both the Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) and the State Insurance Fund (SIF) establish claim numbers for "reportable" cases. However, these agencies take some time to establish these numbers; like any insurance claim, liability first needs to be established.
When an employee calls the Accident Reporting System (ARS), they are given an incident number. This serves as a "place holder" until the claim (case) number is established. Employees should share the ARS incident number and the contact information for SIF to any medical providers, pending the establishment of the claim (case) number.