When Changes Affect Your Employment or Benefits
Whether it's marriage, the birth of a new baby, adoption or retirement ... life involves change. Often, life events can affect the benefits you carry at your job. Sometimes, certain changes must be reported to Human Resources, especially to assure timely benefits plan coverage or accurate paycheck information. The events listed below offer things to consider, along with resources for more information.
Refer to this convenient general listing of "Where to Call" for contacting retirement plan carriers, health insurance plans, state agencies, and much more.
- Adoption / Legal Guardianship
- Job Change
- Birth of Baby
- Marriage
- Coping with Changes
- Moving
- College
- Name Change
- Death
- Retirement
- Disability/Illness
- Health Insurance in Retirement
- Divorce
- Pension Estimates and Options
- Domestic Partner
- Leaving University Employment
- Promotion or Other Job Change
- Turning 65
Balancing work, home and life
The State of New York has built a comprehensive network of resources that may be used to address life issues that occur during your career with New York State.
Life Planning: Get the tools to make decisions and develop strategies that deal with turning points in your life, such as retirement, midlife, or parenthood.
Addressing Personal Concerns: Find the services that can help you get over life's hurdles, including personalized and confidential assistance.
Go to the site and follow these instructions. Or, call (866) 320-4760.
- Enter username: nys
- Enter password: balance
- Choose bargaining unit (such as CSEA, UUP, etc.)
- Choose your agency: SUNY System Administration
- Choose your facility: University at 海角乱伦社区
Employee Assistance Program
The New York State Employee Assistance Program is a confidential assessment and referral service for NYS employees and their family members who need assistance with personal concerns that may be affecting their work performance or overall well-being.
海角乱伦社区 EAP: http://www.binghamton.edu/programs/employee-assistance/ 海角乱伦社区 has a local EAP office: 777-6655, located in Decker Student Health Center; Associate Director: Ada Robinson-Perez, MSW
Statewide EAP: or 1-800-822-0244E-mail: NYSEAP@EAP.LMC.STATE.NY.US
Self-Help Resources: Alcohol and Drug Issues, Budgeting/Finance, Child Care/Parenting, Domestic Violence Services, Education, Eldercare/Disability, Health, Mental Health, Gambling Problems
Domestic Violence Services
NYS Coalition Against Domestic Violence: . Numerous resource links including county programs, safety plans, DV handbook and much more.
NYS Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence: This site contains information about domestic violence and various referral sources including hotlines and NYS organizations.
Almost any life or work event may affect your tax status, eligibility, deductions or other options. Check with the latest IRS publications for guidelines:
NYS Governor's Office of Employee Relations
Questions about my job:GOER provides access to the negotiated agreements between the State and its public employee unions, and provides additional employee relations resources.
Family/Personal Events | Considerations |
Adoption / Legal Guardianship | Adding your new dependent to health insurance, dental and vision plans. Change requests
must be reported to Human Resources, Employee Benefits on a timely basis to avoid
waiting periods and non-coverage of medical bills. Updating beneficiary forms for life insurance, retirement systems, or other plans. New or increased eligibility for NYS Flexible Spending Plans, to help with out-of-pocket medical expenses and/or dependent care expenses. New York State College Savings Plan (529), contact Change in tax status or withholding (see above, TAXES).Family and medical leave information (FLMA) |
Birth of Baby | Changing from individual to family health plan; adding your new dependent to your
health insurance, dental and vision plans; updating your beneficiary forms for life
insurance, retirement system, or other plans; flexible spending accounts; college
savings plans. Health insurance change requests must be reported to Human Resources, Employee Benefits on a timely basis in order to avoid waiting periods and non-coverage of medical bills. If you have an HMO, also contact the insurance carrier for an additional enrollment form. Provide documents to Employee Benefits in order to add a new dependent to your health insurance, vision and/or dental plans. You may have new or increased eligibility for NYS Flexible Spending Plans, to help with out-of-pocket medical expenses and/or dependent care expenses. 1-800-358-7202 To start a NYS College Savings Plan, contact 1-800-420-8580 To change your tax status, contact Human Resources, Payroll.For family and medical leave information (FLMA), contact Human Resources. |
Coping with Changes | Please see the local and New York State Employee Assistance Program (EAP) information above. |
College | Dependent children can be covered under your health insurance, dental and vision plans
up to age 25, as long as they are a full-time student. Coverage is void during times
when they are not full-time students (after age 19). Proof of student status (typically
provided by their college's Registrar office) is required for any changes to your
insurance plans. Coverage may be provided for up to 3 months after the month in which
they complete requirements for graduation; you must request this extension in coverage.
You may also request COBRA information to continue coverage for a newly ineligible
dependent. Again, you must request COBRA coverage if needed. Contact Human Resources,
Employee Benefits for changes in status. For details on student status, go to the NYS Dept. of Civil Service web site; select your bargaining unit, for example UUP, CSEA, etc. NYS College Savings Plan, contact 1-800-420-8580. Contact your union for information on scholarships for family members. For employees, there are tuition benefits programs available, depending upon your union affiliation/bargaining unit, CSEA Partnership, M/C Tuition Reimbursement, PEF's Public Service Workshop Programs, and more, described on the NYS Governor's Office of Employee Relations site. At 海角乱伦社区, the Space Available and Tuition Waiver programs are also available. Contact Human Resources, Employee Benefits. |
Death | When an employee dies, or an employee's family member dies, Human Resources, Employee
Benefits will provide a summary of important information for the family contact, including
retirement system and health insurance options. Please call Employee Benefits for
assistance. In the event that an employee passes away, New York State procedures require that Direct Deposit be inactivated. Paychecks and any other NYS employer refunds/payments will be re-processed in the name of the next of kin. Human Resources will contact the family to provide the Affidavit form for next-of-kin. Other potential actions to consider: switching from a family to individual health insurance plan; dependent survivor benefits; life insurance payments; changing your tax withholding; updating beneficiary forms for retirement plans, insurance policies and other assets. |
Disability/Illness | Sick leave accruals are used during times of illness or disability; as employees of
the State of New York, we are not eligible for the NYS short-term disability program.
In cases where there are not enough accruals to cover the period of your illness or
disability, contact Human Resources for options, including the leave donation program.
Contact your union for other short-term disability programs that can be purchased
at group rates. For illness of family members, up to 15 days per calendar year of your sick leave accruals may be used. For family and medical leave information (FLMA), contact Human Resources. Medical documentation may be required for absences; please contact Human Resources for the Confidential Medical Statement. Using your health insurance benefits efficiently is especially important during times of illness or disability. Read plan documents, and contact your insurance carrier(s) with any questions or confusion. Be sure to follow their policies for pre-authorizations and other plan rules. Long-term disability programs are available depending upon your bargaining unit. |
Divorce | For a name change, contact the Social Security Administration Tax withholding changes; changing designation of beneficiaries for life insurance and retirement plans. Once divorced, your ex-spouse cannot be covered under the New York State Health Insurance Program, which includes all our health insurance carriers. An application for COBRA coverage can be considered. If there are no children, you may switch to an individual only plan. Contact Employee Benefits for options and forms. Your former spouse will no longer be eligible for your dental and vision plans. |
Domestic Partner | To add or remove a domestic partner, forms are completed in Employee Benefits. When
adding a domestic partner, consider costs of imputed income, which means that a portion
of the health insurance premium becomes taxable income; along with a possible change
from individual to family coverage. Various proofs of shared financial and residential
status are required, along with your partner's identification documents such as Social
Security card, and date of birth document. Eligibility guidelines may be found on the NYS Department of Civil Service web site. Please select your bargaining unit affiliation; for example, UUP, CSEA, etc. |
Job Change | An increase or decrease in your percentage of work, or salary, can affect your eligibility
for future permanency, benefits, or leave accruals. Changing from one bargaining unit
to another can also change the kinds of benefits, including plan carriers, for which
you are eligible. For details about benefits impact, visit the "Benefits" section of the Human Resources web site and contact HR Benefits staff. In most cases, there is a seamless transition among benefits programs. Please call Human Resources with questions about your particular job change and how it could affect your employment - contact the Employment area that relates to your question (Faculty, Professional, Classified). |
Marriage | For a name change, contact the Social Security Administration . Then, report the name change to your department; Human Resources to complete a new
I-9 and Employee Benefits, to provide a copy of your new Social Security card. Also consider tax withholding changes; and changing your designation of beneficiaries for life insurance and retirement plans. Health insurance, dental and vision plans: to add your new spouse without a waiting period, contact Employee Benefits within 7 days of the date of marriage to complete a PS-404 form, along with marriage certificate, Social Security card, and date of birth documents for your spouse. |
Moving |
For an address change, contact your local post office. Report your address change to your department; Human Resources, Employee Benefits, and retirement system plans. Update all your plans that you might carry through unions or other agencies. |
Name Change | For a name change, contact the Social Security Administration . Then, report the name change to your department; and Human Resources, Employee Benefits, along with a copy of your new Social Security card. Report the change to other plans that you might carry through unions or other agencies. |
Retirement |
The . Also, contact the HR Benefits staff and the appropriate Employment area (Faculty, Professional, Classified). For information about ways to stay connected to the University, please visit our Retirees section on this website or call Corinna Kruman, Retiree Services Coordinator, at 777-5959. |
Health Insurance in Retirement | For matters related directly to health insurance options, Employee Benefits has booklets
and videos from the NYS Department of Civil Service. The NYS Insurance Plan discusses State retiree health insurance at: Social Security Administration (including Medicare): |
Pension Estimates and Options: | NYS Employees' Retirement System members can project their pension benefits at: NYS Employees' Retirement System has retirement planning resources at: . NYS Employees' Retirement System maintains a listing of useful retirement related
links at: . NYS TIAA-Cref sponsors this site: Voga provides retirment planning resources at Valic provides retirement planning resources at: Fidelity provides retirement planning resources at: Social Security Administration (including Medicare): |
Turning 65 | If you are currently employed, Medicare is not required even when you turn age 65; enrollment while employed can complicate billing and paperwork with your active employee health insurance plans. If you are retired, once you turn age 65, you MUST enroll for Medicare, as it becomes primary in coordination with your retiree health insurance plans. For more information, see the Department of Civil Service Employee Benefits website. Follow links to retirement information. |
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