Welcome to º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Wi-Fi Guide! This comprehensive guide will help you connect to our secure and reliable Wi-Fi network, eduroam. Whether you're a student, faculty, staff member, or guest, follow the step-by-step instructions below to get connected and stay connected seamlessly. Additionally, we value experiences across campus. 

wi-fi outdoor map icon

ITS Outdoor Wi-Fi Map Coverage

Are you properly connected to Campus Wi-Fi?

Re-configure or configure for the first time, TO PROPERLY CONNECT:

  • Access the , and then use the JOINNOW tool to connect to eduroam. When connected properly, you're good to go without having to do it again!

Connecting a Device to eduroam Wireless Network: Students, Faculty, and Staff

  1. For the first time
  2. After you have changed your password
  3. To validate/double-check you're connected properly
    • Choose welcome2bing in the list of available wireless networks and connect.
    • If a window does not automatically open, manually launch a browser and click on the link to automatically configure wireless devices for eduroam.
    • To run JoinNow on macOS, you may have to close the JoinNow 'Downloading Application' window, leaving the Safari browser window in the background open. After a few seconds, the .dmg file will download from the browser. You can also refresh the browser to launch the download.
    • If you experience problems running JoinNow on a device from the captive portal, connect to welcome2bing and run JoinNow from the link at the top of this page.

Note: Welcome2bing only needs to be selected the first time a device connects to º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø University Wi-Fi. After that, students, faculty, or staff should connect to eduroam.

Guest Login: Connect to welcome2bing

  1. Connect to welcome2bing: From the list of available wireless networks on your device, select "welcome2bing" to establish the connection.
  2. Open a Web Browser: Once you are successfully connected to welcome2bing, your device's web browser will automatically launch.
  3. Enter Your Email ID: You will be prompted to enter your valid email address in the Guest Login portal to proceed.
  4. Click Continue: After providing your email address, click on the "Continue",  you are now connected.

welcome2bing is an unencrypted wireless network and is limited in scope, duration and capacity. Any device with Wi-Fi enabled will automatically detect welcome2bing.

Campus departments may download a printable version of these instructions to hand out to visitors or to use as a poster.

Wi-fi Feedback

We want your feedback on any areas on campus that you think have Wi-Fi issues. Please let us know by filling in this .


Introduction to Eduroam

(education roaming) is the secure, worldwide wireless internet access service developed for the international research and education community. Students, researchers, faculty, and staff can connect to participating institutions' wireless networks with their home institution's user credentials.

For º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Community:

1. Recommended Wireless Network
Eduroam is the recommended wireless network for º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø students, faculty, or staff and provides encrypted wireless access using the WPA2 Enterprise protocol.

2. Automatic Configuration with JoinNow
To connect your wireless devices to eduroam, use for automatic configuration. During the process, clients will authenticate using their º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Computer Account username and password. JoinNow automatically appends the "@binghamton.edu" required by eduroam.

3.Device Configuration and Testing
Before leaving º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø, ensure your device is properly configured and tested to access eduroam. Please be aware that users are bound by the host institution's network and security policies. The host institution is not obligated or prepared to support visitors accessing eduroam. If you need assistance connecting to eduroam while at another institution please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 607-777-6420 or helpdesk@binghamton.edu.

For Visitors to º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø:

1. Connect to Eduroam
You will use your home institution userid and password to connect to eduroam at º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø University. Check with your home institution to obtain setup instructions particular to your institution.

2. Manual Configuration for eduroam
The SSID (wireless network) should be listed as eduroam and the º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Computer Account Username should be entered as username@binghamton.edu.

Please note that manual configuration allows for a local connection to eduroam at º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø. However, it does not install security certificates on the device. As a result, manually configured devices will not be able to connect to eduroam from other institutions. 

Manually configure your computer/device for eduroam Wi-Fi 

Operating Systems:

Handheld Devices

Note: Manual instructions to configure your computer/device for eduroam Wi-Fi are listed above. The SSID (wireless network) should be listed as eduroam and the º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø University Computer Account Username should be entered as username@binghamton.edu.  A manual configuration will allow a local connection to eduroam but it does not install security certificates on the device. Manually configured devices will not be able to connect to eduroam from other institutions. 

Who is roaming to º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø?

Photos of who is roaming to Binghmton University

Gaming Devices

Students can register gaming devices, smart TVs, smart speakers… by logging into MyDevices using their BU computer account username/password. Once the device is registered, it can connect to mydevicesbing for wireless.You can connect your smart TV or gaming device to the wired network without registering

MYDEVICESBING: Register Your Gaming Devices

mydevicesbing: This unencrypted wireless network is specifically designed for gaming devices and other mobile devices that do not support WPA2 Enterprise 802.1x authentication or cannot access eduroam.

eduroam: For devices that are WPA2 Enterprise compatible and have a browser, it is recommended to use the encrypted wireless network eduroam for secure connectivity.

How to Register:

  1. Log in to using your º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Computer Account user ID and password.
  2. Register your gaming device or other compatible devices.
  3. After successful registration, connect your device to mydevicesbing for wireless access.

Note: Please disregard the 'Pending' status displayed on the Game Device Registration Portal as it is a software bug and does not affect the registration process.

Device Purge Policy
At the end of major semesters, all devices connected via mydevicesbing will be purged. The My Devices Portal can also be accessed at under Campus Life > Online Resources.

Network Usage Policy
Users of the º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø data network are required to abide by the º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Computer and Network Acceptable Use Policy. Ensure compliance for a smooth and secure network experience.