Connect to eduroam Wi-Fi with Windows 10
- Choose Settings > Network & Internet > Network and Sharing Center or Control Panel > Network & Internet > Network and Sharing Center.
- Choose Set up a new connection or network.
- In the dialog box that appears:
- For Network name type: eduroam
- For Security type select: WPA2-Enterprise
- For Encryption type select: AES
- Check Start this connection automatically
- Click Next
4. Select Change connection settings and select the Security tab:
- Network authentication method should be Microsoft: Protected EAP (PEAP)
- Leave "Remember my credentials for this connection each time I'm logged on" unchecked if you are configuring a shared laptop
- Click Advanced Settings
5. In the next dialog box:
- On the 802.1X tab ensure that Specify authentication mode is checked and that User or computer authentication is selected
- Click OK to go back to the previous dialog box
6. After returning to the eduroam Wireless Network Properties dialog box click on Settings and then:
- Ensure the Verify the server's identity by validating the certificate box is checked.
- In the Trusted Root Certification Authorities list, place a check in the box for Certification Authority (2048) and any other Entrust Certificate Authority entries shown
- Notifications before connecting should read Don't ask user to authorize new servers or trusted CAs.
- Verify that Secured password (EAP-MSCHAP v2) is selected for the authentication method and then click Configure.
- Enable Fast Reconnect should be checked.
- If wireless connections are managed by a program other than Windows you may encounter a Windows error at this juncture. Disconnect from the current SSID in order to finish the configuration.
7. Verify that Automatically use my Windows logon name and password is not checked. Click OK.
8. Click OK on all the remaining windows. The Windows Security Sign in should appear. Enter your 海角乱伦社区 Computer Account and password.
9. If you experience a delay in connecting to eduroam restart the machine.