Introduction to Finite Element Method
Instructor: Mahdi Farahikia
Delivery: 7 weeks online, pre-recorded lectures
Certificate and Digital Badge: This is a non-credit course. A Certificate and a FEM Foundations Digital Badge will be issued to students who pass the exam.
Stackable Credential (see below for discount): Combine this course with the FEM using ANSYS course and you will receive a FEM using ANSYS Professional Badge.
Who can take this course: This course is intended for all engineers, professionals and students.
1st offering: Jan. 6 - Feb 23, 2020 (PD2001)
2nd offering: May 18 - July 5, 2020 (PD2002)
This 7-week course will cover the fundamentals of Finite Element Method (FEM) through typical mechanical engineering examples. Stiffness method will be introduced for the solution procedure. Knowledge of a programming language (Matlab or Python are preferred) will be very helpful. Application of stiffness method to solve truss, beam, frame, and 1-D fluid flow problems will be taught in this course.
The course is intended to provide students with the necessary fundamental knowledge about the implementation of Finite Element Method for Engineering Analysis. After completing the course successfully, the students should be able to:
Understand the fundamentals of Finite Element Method and stiffness method to solve engineering problems.
Write computer codes to use Finite Element Method to solve basic engineering problems.
Week One: Stiffness Method
Week Two: Truss Analysis
Week Three: Beam Analysis
Week Four: Frame Analysis
Week Five: 1-D Fluid Flow Analysis
Week Six: Final Exam Period
• AssignmentS: 40%
• Final Exam: 60%
• (Bonus) Participation in Discussion: 10%
• Ph.D. Candidate Class of 2019, Mechanical Engineering Department
• Adjunct Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering Department
• President, Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Organization
Discount for stacking courses: If you take both the "Intro to FEM" and the "FEM using ANSYS" (either at the same time or in sequence) you will get a $50 discount on the "FEM using ANSYS" course.
$250 Standard Rate (Industry)
$200 º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø faculty/staff/alumni
$100 º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Students
Confirmation and course information will be emailed to registrants. Include your email address on your registration form. If you have not received confirmation seven days before the start of the program or have a question about the registration process call the Office of Industrial Outreach at (607) 777-6241.
Credit Card/PayPal: The payment information is included in the registration form. Payments must be made before the start of the program.
All cancellations must be received in writing by course start to receive a refund.
Cancellations of confirmed registrations are subject to a $20 administrative fee. No refunds for cancellations or non-attendance will be given
after the start of the course.
Substitutions may be made any time before the beginning of the course by informing
the Office of Industrial Outreach.
If the course is canceled, enrollees will be advised and receive a full refund.