The School of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering (SSIE) at 海角乱伦社区 offers graduate courses on a number of topics. You can review the course descriptions below. Please contact the department if you have questions.
- SSIE 500 - Computational Tools
- SSIE 501 - Intro to Systems Science
- SSIE 505 - Applied Probability & Statist.
- SSIE 510 - Enterprise Systems Engineering
- SSIE 511 - Production & Schedule Control
- SSIE 515 - Operations Mgmt Supply Chains
- SSIE 516 - Funds of Energy Sys Analytics
- SSIE 519 - Applied Soft Computing
- SSIE 520 - Modeling And Simulation
- SSIE 522 - Advanced Decision Modeling
- SSIE 523 - Collective Dyn of Complex Syst
- SSIE 524A - Grad Sem in Complex Sys Sci
- SSIE 524B - Grad Sem in Complex Sys Sci
- SSIE 525 - Princip Of Systems Engineering
- SSIE 530 - Healthcare Policy Analysis
- SSIE 533 - Human Factors Engin And Design
- SSIE 534 - Fundamentals of Health Systems
- SSIE 535X - Agile Eng & Design Thinking
- SSIE 537 - Ind & Sys Eng in Healthcare
- SSIE 538 - Healthcare Financial Eng
- SSIE 539 - Human Factors Eng Healthcare
- SSIE 548 - Healthcare Data Sci&Analytics
- SSIE 553 - Operations Research
- SSIE 561 - Quality Assurance For Engineer
- SSIE 565 - Engineering Project Management
- SSIE 566 - Designing With Experiments
- SSIE 568X - Flexible & Hybrid Electronics
- SSIE 569 - Materials for Manufacturing
- SSIE 578 - Processes for Electr Mfg.
- SSIE 585 - Additive Mfg Processes & Sys
- SSIE 592 - Tech, Dev, Curriculum I
- SSIE 593 - Tech Dev Curriculum
- SSIE 594 - Industrial Internship
- SSIE 595 - Termination Project
- SSIE 598 - MS Termination Project
- SSIE 599 - Thesis
- SSIE 605 - Appl'd Multivar. Data Analysis
- SSIE 612 - Adv. Topics In Integrated Mfg.
- SSIE 613 - Adv Stats Method for Dat Analy
- SSIE 615 - Advanced Supply Chains
- SSIE 616 - Adv Topics Applied Soft Compu
- SSIE 617 - Fuz. Sets, Fuz.Logic & Fuz.Sys
- SSIE 631 - Foundations Of Neural Networks
- SSIE 633 - Advanced Human Factors
- SSIE 637 - Advanced Topics in Health Syst
- SSIE 641 - Adv Topics in Network Science
- SSIE 643 - Advanced Engineering Analytics
- SSIE 644 - Found Of Adaptive Optimization
- SSIE 650 - Systems Optimization
- SSIE 660 - Stochastic Systems
- SSIE 661 - Advanced Issues In Quality
- SSIE 664 - Advanced Eng Management
- SSIE 671 - Integer Programming
- SSIE 673 - Adv Iss In Proc For Electr Pkg
- SSIE 697 - Independent Study
- SSIE 698 - Predissertation Research
- SSIE 699 - Dissertation
- SSIE 700 - Continuous Registration
- SSIE 701 - Pract/Teaching &Research Asst
- SSIE 707 - Research Skills