

  • Salary/Cost Budgeting Guides

    These helpful tools can be used when you are trying to calculate the duration of an appointment (start and end dates), the cost of an appointment (with or without fringe), as well as assess the legal requirements of minimum wage in NYS.  Please note, these tools have been created to assist our clients in completing our . Should you have more in-depth questions please do not hesitate to reach out to

    • Regular Employee and Postdoc Budgeting Tool
        • Used for when a hiring manager is assessing how much a non-student employee will cost over a certain period of time. One can also ensure they are meeting NYS Minimum Wage requirements.
  • Supervisor Resources
    • RF Learning and Development
      • – Please review the updated course dates/times associated with the current time of year. Some sessions are recorded to be accesses at your convenience.
        • - An Overview of the Business of the RF
        • - An Essential Program for all Supervisors
      • - A Leadership Master Class

    • This platform gives RF employees access to thousands of self paces trainings covering a variety of topics. Simply log in and search the robust online library for helpful trainings relative to your current needs.

    • The research shows a direct correlation between employee success and ongoing supervisor engagement. The Research Foundation Office of Human Resources supports this process by providing an easy-to-use . The Performance Appraisals video can be a great resource when completing performance reviews as it walks you through different topical areas and provides best practices around having an effective conversation.

    • The first days, weeks, and months of a new job are filled with excitement, a wealth of information, and many questions.  This site provides the key information new employees should know to excel in their roles at the RF and a roadmap to help determine when to
      tackle each new on-boarding task.

    • Being a supervisor can be overwhelming at times. This landing page gives you access to resources to help set you up or success and lead your team in an effective way.
    • Campus Resources

    Along with the RF resources outline above the campus provides access to outstanding programming through a variety of outlets. Below are just a few of them.

  • Paid Family Leave Waiver

    You can opt out of  by completing the Paid Family Leave Waiver if you don’t expect to work for the RF at º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø for the minimum amount of time required for eligibility.  The completed waivers can be emailed to for processing. 

    • If a schedule change results in you working enough time to meet the eligibility requirements, your waiver will be automatically revoked.
    • You may voluntarily revoke your waiver at any time.  
    • If your waiver is revoked, the RF at º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø may begin taking payroll deductions and may retroactively collect deductions from the date you signed the waiver.
  • Pay Stubs

    The Research Foundation of SUNY (RF) supports going "green" and now offers online access to your direct deposit slips, pay stubs and W-2 tax forms through the RF website.

    If you use direct deposit, you'll review your bi-weekly direct deposit slips online and you will not receive paper versions after Dec. 31,2010. If you receive a printed paycheck, you will receive a printed check bi-weekly and you can also view your pay check stubs online.

    Additionally your annual Form W-2 statement will be available online each January.

    Getting started is easy. HR Self Service is available on the RF website so you can access your information by logging in with your user name and password from anywhere, anytime.

    There are two easy ways to find HR Self Service on the RF website:

    1. Go to  and click Log In to HR Self Service. You may want to bookmark this page for easy access in the future.
    2. From the RF home page (), choose "Self Service" under "Working at the RF" at the top of the page.
    3. Important note for new users: If this is the first time you log into the RF website, you will need to set up an account before you can access HR Self Service. Go to  and click "Set up Your Account," and follow the instructions for creating an account. As a new user, the "Research Foundation ID Number" (RFID) is your "User Name." If you do not remember or do not have your RFID number, please call our main office line at 607-777-4264 and we can provide it for you. As the RFID provides access to sensitive pay information, we will ask you to confirm identity over the phone before providing it. When you create your account, you will select your own password.
    4. Employees who already have established an RF website username and password should click the "Log in to HR Self Service" link. In this instance, the user name is your e-mail address and oracle password. Note: Access is also available through the Business Applications area of the internal RF website after account validation by clicking on the "Self Service" link.
    5. Select HR Self Service then choose Payslip or Employee W-2 from the sub-options.

    If you have difficulty setting up an account or logging in, please contact RF-Customer Services at or (518) 434-7222. You may also contact º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø's RF Human Resources at (607) 777-4264.

     to see how the documents are reflected on the new website.

  • Fellowships- Year End Tax Statement

    For U.S. Citizens, Permanent Residents, and Resident Aliens:

    You will receive a document called a Payment Reporting Memorandum. This is not available online and will be mailed out to you by our central office. The information provided in this memo will list the total amount that you were paid that previous year for your fellowship. If you are waiting to receive your memo in the mail, you can find essentially the same information by looking at your last paystub from the prior year.

    For Nonresident Aliens:

    You will receive a 1042-S document. This is not available online and will be mailed out to you by our central office.