Professional Staff Senate

About the Senate

The Professional Staff Senate (PSS) is the officially recognized governance organization of professional employees at 海角乱伦社区. The Senate represents the concerns and the needs of our constituents via a calendar of regular meetings. As stated in our Constitution, we "exist to contribute to the success of 海角乱伦社区 and to the growth and welfare of its professional employees. The Senate shall seek an active role in the policy decisions of the University. The Senate shall be a fact-finding, deliberative, and consultative body, with authority to make studies, reports, and recommendations on all governance matters which have a significant bearing on professional employees." Working with the other members of the University community, professionals are an integral part of 海角乱伦社区 and contribute greatly to its excellence.


Committee membership is open to all professional staff. You do not have to be a senator to join. 

Accessibility, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (AIDE)

The Accessibility, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (AIDE) Committee supports 海角乱伦社区 University's mission to provide an educational environment that advances accessibility, inclusion, diversity, and equity through advocacy, raising awareness, amplifying traditionally underrepresented voices and celebrating diverse cultures and traditions.


The Communications Committee establishes a positive and visible professional image on campus for PSS by managing all social media networks, the newsletter, and the webpage.

Evaluation Coordinating

The Evaluation Coordinating Committee (ECC) conducts periodic evaluations of senior administrators at 海角乱伦社区. The ECC develops and distributes evaluation surveys to professional staff across campus, and then writes a summary report that is shared with the evaluee and the President.

Financial Impact Review

The Financial Impact Review committee evaluates institutional budgets prior to the presentation of such budgets to SUNY Central and prior to implementing campus budgetary policies.

Professional Development

The Professional Development Committee organizes professional development opportunities, oversees the Colleague Connection program, and administers PSS's professional development grant. 


Recognition committee shines a light on campus professionals who contribute invaluably to the campus community, and to their profession, through exemplary service. This committee hosts the Distinguished Service Award and oversees the PROPS Award.


The Rules Committee reviews the PSS governing documents, recommends necessary updates, and assists the Senate and committees with the orderly flow of business. It is also responsible for all aspects of senatorial elections.

Campus Committee Representation

Members of PSS represent professional staff on a variety of campus committees from search committees to auxiliary services. Periodic calls for these committees will be made at the bi-weekly meeting or via the list-serv. More information can be found on the Campus Committees page.