Hosting Policy
It is recognized that hosting situations are different than travel situations and that often campus host people must incur meal costs exceeding standard travel rates. The University has established up to $15.00 for breakfast, $25.00 for lunch and $45.00 per dinner as a level within which the cost of the meal will be considered reasonable. This amount includes tips to servers, and taxes are not reimbursable.
Amounts incurred over the 'pro forma reasonableness levels' will require that a detailed itemization of the meal costs and an explanation for the additional allowance be submitted to the Business Office for review. The Director of Procurement will be responsible for applying tests of reasonableness to the facts provided. Rejection of payment against state funds does not preclude the reasonableness of the costs being paid from other campus non-state funds.
The purchase and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages is considered to be an entertainment expense and constitutes a personal expense that is not reimbursable.
Hosting Reimbursement Procedure
Complete a NYS Standard Voucher or use for an employee reimbursement with the person's name and payee ID number (Tax ID or US Driver鈥檚 License number with state of issuance if non-employee or "N" number if an employee), with appropriate authorization signatures and NYS funding account(s) to charge and attach the following:
A description of event/agenda/itinerary
List of attendees
The original, itemized receipt(s)
Proof of fiscal liability (credit card or bank statement)
For reimbursement when hosting expenses are charged to the host's personal credit card see the Personal Reimbursement Procedure.
All catering purchases over $200 for events on-campus must be must be arranged with 海角乱伦社区 Dining Services. Departments can order online through and can pay with a Pcard (if less than $2,500) or with a requisition.
Use the to requests a waivers of this policy from Sodexo.
Honoraria Procedure
All non-employee Honoraria need the vendor to be added to the NYS Vendor Management System so a Requisiton, Purchase Order and Short form receipt can be created. Without the Req/PO/SFR, the person cannot be paid. For more information, click on the procedure below.