Cain received his Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Houghton College, Houghton, NY. He continued advanced studies at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY where he earned the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in theoretical chemistry. In his current position, he provides technical support for the IEEC. In addition to technical support, Steve gives guidance to Watson School graduate students performing services for IEEC members and oversees individual projects submitted to the IEEC. Steve also advises local companies regarding quality, reliability and manufacturing issues related to microelectronics packaging. A theoretical chemist by training, he brings expertise in applied quantum mechanics, mathematics and laser applications, as well as practical experience in reliability statistics. Cain joined the IEEC after nearly 25 years with the IBM Corporation, where he held a variety of engineering positions in the development, quality and reliability organizations. He has experience with the failure mechanisms associated with a variety of printed circuit configurations, spanning the large thick boards used in mainframe computers to the small films used as laminate chip carriers. His interest in packaging failure mechanisms encompasses the mounted components as well as the printed circuits.
Stephen Cain
Senior Research Support Specialist
Research Interests
Integrated Electronics Engineering Center (IEEC)