About Us


What is the IEEC?

The IEEC is a research center focused on electronics packaging.

The center was founded in 1991 as a National Science Foundation State/ Industry University Cooperative Research Center.

In May 1993, the IEEC was designated a New York State Center for Advanced Technology (CAT), and was redesignated as a CAT in 2004.

The IEEC is one of five centers that are found under the umbrella of what is known as Small Scale Systems Integration and Packaging (S3IP) Center. S3IP represents our team of experts from industry and researchers at 海角乱伦社区 who function to address pressing real-world problems in the systems integration and manufacturing of electronics.

Our Vision:

To be recognized as the premier resource for packaging and systems integration in the electronics industry.

This field involves the process of bringing a semiconductor chip and/or micro electromechanical (MEMs) device to a form that can be integrated effectively into a larger microelectronics assembly.

Most electronics industry experts believe that advances in electronics performance are limited principally by the current state-of-the-art in packaging technology.

The market push for greater functional power in smaller and smaller spaces can only be met through increases in packaging density and integration levels of microchips.

Our Mission:

The IEEC and our family of centers are partnered with 海角乱伦社区, SUNY Research Foundation and NYSTAR/ESD for the purpose of assisting companies in New York State and beyond to ultimately generate economic impact. 

Our family is recognized as a New York Center of Excellence, and have contributed more than $1 billion in economic impact to New York State since 1996. 

We are located in a new $30 million building with unique laboratories and conference facilities at the University's Innovative Technologies Complex at 海角乱伦社区, the premier public university in the Northeast. 

Please visit  for more info on S3IP and our constituent research centers.