Community & Global Public Health Stream Accomplishments

BOLD = undergraduate
italics = faculty
* = student presenter

Research presentations

All FRI students present their research posters at campus events. Each team presents a research poster at the annual FRI Research Day in December. Those poster titles can be found on the "Research projects" page. Below are presentations made outside of annual FRI public session.

  • Hoffman R*, Link D, Schwartz A, Silverman S, J Dowthwaite.  Modifiable Factors in College mental Health.  (Flipgrid slideshow, State of Science in Population Mental Health, eConference at Colorado University Anschutz)
  • Hoffman R*, Link D*, Schwartz A*, Silverman S*, J Dowthwaite.  Exercise and Caffeine Use in College Sleep and Mental Health.  (ePoster, Mid-Atlantic Region Chapter, American College of Sports Medicine)
  • Colon A*, Langan C*, Malhotra S*, Vanapalli S*, J Dowthwaite.  In Emerging Adulthood, Perceived Stress is Linked to Poor Diet Quality (ePoster, Mid-Atlantic Region Chapter, American College of Sports Medicine)
  • Dowthwaite JPelowski M, Minassian J, T Scerpella.  Peak Height Velocity Maturity Offset Estimated from Cross-sectional Vs. Longitudinal Growth Data.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.  52 (5): S458, 2182. e-poster, 5 minute slideshow.  Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine 2020 (virtual meeting: San Francisco).
  • Ahmad H*, Carbajal K*, Minassian J, Nguyen T, Palmerino B: Dietary Patterns as Factors in Rates of Growth and Maturation in Adolescent Females (poster); DBNY, Ithaca, November 2019
  • Minassian J, Pelowski M*, Scerpella T, Dowthwaite J: Comparison of Peak Height Velocity and Maturity Offset Estimations from Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Growth Data for U.S. Females (oral); Mid-Atlantic Region Conference of the American College of Sports Medicine, Harrisburg, PA, November 2019
  • Sawester B*, Sydenstricker A, Pina J, Al Kuisi D, Almady M, Dowthwaite J: Hormonal contraceptive use and muscle characteristics (oral); Mid-Atlantic Region Conference of the American College of Sports Medicine, Harrisburg, PA, November 2019
  • Sydenstricker A*, Almady M, Scerpella T, Dowthwaite J. Hormonal Contraceptive Use and Bone Accrual Rates in Adolescent Females (oral); Mid-Atlantic Region Conference of the American College of Sports Medicine, Harrisburg, PA, Nov 2019
  • Ahmad H, Carbajal K, Minassian J, Nguyen T, Palmerino B, Scerpella T, Cole T, Dowthwaite J. Diet & Exercise as Factors in Growth, Maturation & Body Composition: A Longitudinal Study in Adolescent Females (oral); American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA, Nov 2019
  • Boni M*, Carpenter M*, Imdad F*, Koszer L*, Pelowski M*: Variation of Bone Properties around Peak Height Velocity (poster); BU Research Days, 海角乱伦社区, NY, April 2019
  • Minassian J*, Pelowski M*: Comparison of Peak Height Velocity and Maturity Offset Estimations from Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Growth Data for U.S. Females (poster); BU Research Days, 海角乱伦社区, NY, April 2019
  • Sawester B*: Associations between hormonal contraceptive use and muscle characteristics (poster); BU Research Days, 海角乱伦社区, NY, April 2019
  • Ahmad H*, Carbajal K*, Minassian J*, Nguyen T*, Palmerino B*: Dietary Patterns as a Factor in Rates of Growth and Maturation in Adolescent Females (poster); BU Research Days, 海角乱伦社区, NY, April 2019