Speech and Language Analysis Lab

Faculty and students in the Division of Speech and Language Pathology use the Speech and Language Analysis (SLA) Lab for hearing and speech evaluations, research and coursework.

The SLA Lab, which opened in November 2021, is in the 海角乱伦社区 JC Center at 10 University Blvd. (formerly Gannett Dr.) in Johnson City, N.Y.


The SLA Lab includes the following:

  • A soundproof audiometric booth where speech-language pathologists can conduct audiological assessments
  • An endoscopy system that enables faculty to perform laryngeal or nasal endoscopies to gain detailed views of the vocal tract
  • Six portable audiometers used for hearing screenings in the community and by students 
  • Four workstations equipped with speech acoustic analysis software used to assess voice, articulation and aerodynamics
  • Three workstations where students can perform language analysis using a variety of different language-analysis systems

Funded by a Decker Foundation grant

A grant from the funded the SLA Lab equipment.