General Education Requirements

General Education Physical Activity/Wellness Requirements

All undergraduate students at 海角乱伦社区 must fulfill a two-credit physical activity/wellness requirement as part of the General Education requirement. Decker College's Division of Health and Wellness Studies offers many courses that meet this requirement.

Activity (Y), Wellness (S) and Both (B) requirements

We offer various courses that satisfy the undergraduate General Education requirements of Activity (Y), Wellness (S) and/or Both (B). These requirements enable us to introduce fundamentals and new experiences to students who otherwise might not seek them out and to encourage higher-level skill development and depth of knowledge for more experienced students.

Students may satisfy the two-credit Physical Activity/Wellness requirement in any of the following ways:

  • 2-credit B course
  • 1-credit Y course AND 1-credit S course
  • 1-credit B course AND 1-credit Y course
  • 1-credit B course AND 1-credit S course
  • Two 1-credit B courses

To make it easier to fulfill the graduation requirement, most of these credits are offered through the HWS Division as a 2-credit B course. Other departments also offer courses that satisfy the Physical Activity/Wellness components of the General Education requirements. Students are encouraged to fulfill the requirement early in their academic career; postponing may cause scheduling difficulties that could impact your graduation target date.

Graduate Students

Graduate students may audit HWS courses on a "space available" basis and are not allowed to advance register.

Transfer Credits

Transfer credits may be accepted from other academic institutions if the course is equivalent in contact hours and content to that offered at 海角乱伦社区. Credits may not be transferred from nonacademic agencies such as health spas, fitness clubs, karate schools, dance schools, etc. Students who intend to register for a health and/or physical education course at another institution should receive prior approval from the academic advisor and the Division of Health and Wellness Studies. For more information about transfer credits, contact your academic advisor.

Physical Disabilities 

Students with temporary or permanent physical disabilities, after being examined by the University physician, may be assigned to the Adaptive, Corrective, Rehabilitative Program (ACR) or request the General Education requirement be waived. NOTE: Waiving the credit does not grant credit for courses not taken, nor does it reduce the credit hours required for graduation.