Past Pilots

Learning Management System Pilot

In the 2018-2019 academic year, the myCourses Users Group and the Center for Learning and Teaching evaluated the current Learning Management System (LMS) landscape.  海角乱伦社区 has been using Blackboard as our LMS since 2000. As needs and tools change over time, it is important to continually evaluate them to ensure they are still meeting the needs of our students and instructors.

For more information on this pilot, visit the LMS Pilot webpage

Streaming Media Pilot

In Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 semesters, we conducted pilots of and - two streaming media solutions.  Both products provided tools for users to create videos, upload videos, and serve videos via their Blackboard courses.

regarding the pilot process and the are available online. 

Student Response Systems Pilot

In Spring 2016, we conducted a pilot of three student response systems (SRS). The products were Turning Technologies, REEF Polling, and TopHat. All three products allow students to submit responses using their own devices without the need for physical remotes. Classroom polling using either of these products is no longer limited to rooms with base units installed. Each allows for several question types including multiple choice and short short answer.

 regarding the pilot process and the  are available online. 


In Fall 2015, we conducted a pilot on the use of VoiceThread in courses.  is a cloud-based platform that allows instructors and students to upload media (videos, images or documents) and invite others in the class to comment using video, voice, or text.

The  are available online. 

Webconferencing Pilot

In Spring 2020, we conducted a pilot on the use of two webconferencing solutions, Zoom and WebEx. 海角乱伦社区 selected Zoom meetings as our webconferencing solution. All faculty, staff, and student can activate their accounts by navigating to .

More information regarding the pilot process is available online