Web Conferencing Pilot

The web conferencing pilot is closed. 海角乱伦社区 will be transitioning to Zoom meetings. All faculty, staff, and student can activate their accounts by navigating to .

Why We Evaluate

As more faculty and staff conduct business and class via web conferencing, 海角乱伦社区 University has determined that it must reevaluate which is the best platform for the campus. Currently, 海角乱伦社区 maintains a license for Cisco Webex. Many faculty and staff also report using Zoom Video Conferencing frequently. We feel it serves the best interest of our campus community to re-evaluate our core products from time to time to ensure they meet the needs of our constituents.

Pilot Committee

This pilot is being conducted by the Center for Learning and Teaching (CLT) and Information Technology Services (ITS).

Faculty and Staff Participants 

Faculty and staff from across the university are participating in the pilot. Initial surveys have shown that faculty and staff both use web conferencing frequently. By the end of the pilot, participants will have attended or led meetings on both web conferencing platforms.

Participant Login Information


Pilot Goal

The pilot will determine which of the piloted platforms more thoroughly meets the needs of pilot participants and which of the platforms participants would like to see the campus adopt.  This feedback will be used to determine future directions for the campus.


November 2019

  • We surveyed faculty and staff with accounts in either Webex or Zoom and collected their responses on frequency of use, primary role in web conferences, and experiences using the product.

  • We also sent a survey through Dateline, the University's daily electronic newsletter, to solicit comments from faculty and staff not currently listed as Webex or Zoom account holders. This survey received few responses (15 respondents).

January 2020

  • Online demos of both platforms offered to pilot participants in the week of Jan. 6. 
  • Instructors participating  in the pilot built activities into their classes that used the piloted web conferencing platform.

  • The pilot consisted of approximately 90 participants.

January  to March 2020

  • Pilot participants conducted web meetings, webinars, and classes in the two piloted platforms.

  • Members were given accounts in both platforms and asked to became familiar with both so they are able to compare the two platforms.

March 2020

  • The pilot committee sent a survey to the pilot participants asking them to comment on their experiences in each platform.

  • The results were analyzed.
  • Zoom Meetings was chosen as of March 9, 2020.
  • The university transitioned to Zoom.

The following information is provided for the pilot participants and anyone who may wish to explore Zoom.

 Zoom Logo

  •   (1/7/2020)