Spring 2025
Prompt Engineering
This hands-on workshop designed for instructors new to Chat GPT showed faculty how to build prompts in Chat GPT along with tips to improve results and strengthen critical thinking. Activities focused on building course content.
Digital Accessibility
This workshop revealed how to create and maintain accessible digital content. Topics included a checklist and best practices, the ‘why’ and general background of making digital spaces accessible, implementing accessibility into assignments and syllabi, and hands-on practice with familiar tools (WordPress, OmniUpdate, Brightspace).
Fall 2024
Teaching G.I.F.T.S.
Our G.I.F.T.S. workshop content is designed by the people who know our students best - our own º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø faculty - these teaching strategies can be used and adapted to any discipline for immediate use in your classrooms. Check out the resources.
Generative AI in Higher Education: Where are we Now and Where are Things Headed?
James Pitarresi gave an insightful workshop on the current state and future trajectory of generative AI in higher education. This session explored recent advancements, practical applications, and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Digital Storytelling - The Dos and Don'ts of Digital Assignments
In this workshop, Chelsea Gibson, coordinator for the Digital Storytelling Initiative, shared best practices when creating digital assignments. Sample assignments and rubrics were shared with participants.
Adapting to AI - Reassessing Assignments
For faculty and graduate students who primarily use writing assignments. The invention of large-language generative AI models has forever changed how the public views writing. In this workshop, we explored ways in which we can leverage pedagogical strategies to engage students in focusing on writing as a process, rather than simply a product.
Digital Accessibility
This workshop walked participants through creating and maintaining accessible digital content. Topics included a checklist and best practices, the ‘why’ and general background of making digital spaces accessible, implementing accessibility into assignments and syllabi, and hands-on practice with familiar tools (WordPress, OmniUpdate, Brightspace).
What Can ChatGPT Do for You?
This workshop led instructors through several activities that showed them how to use ChatGPT to build lesson plans, activities, and other classroom content. This hands-on workshop was designed for instructors who haven’t yet explored ChatGPT or who wanted to learn ways to harness ChatGPT.
What's New in Brightspace?
Tamara Regulski from Information Technology Services (ITS) led us through new and improved features of Brightspace. Tamara also shared third-party tools and tech that work in Brightspace.
Slides are Located in the Brightspace Home Screen
Spring 2024
Psychology Dept Special Session: Teaching Summer Courses
Summer Reading List
This is our end of semester event where attendees share books on pedagogy, teaching, and learning as well as popular fiction and non-fiction.
EdTech Tools for SOM Course Special Session
Alternative Forms of Assessment/Brightspace Grading
Center for Learning and Teaching’s Instructional Design Services Team illustrated different ways to assess student learning that you can employ in your courses. Tamara Regulski from Information Technology Services (ITS) also shared Brightspace grading tips and tricks.
How to Get Your Students to do the Assigned Readings
This workshop featured strategies for encouraging students to complete their readings and actively engage with course materials.
Artificial Intelligence Event
This was a workshop on the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for teaching in higher education. This workshop provided an overview of some of the current approaches to using AI tools and showcased some of the newer AI programs available.
Student Panel - Addressing Generation Differences
Generational culture is important to educational relevance and mental health and wellbeing, as well as making a connection in the classroom. Get to know the challenges facing modern students and the trends and the ideas that get them excited about their lives and futures.
Student- Centered Syllabus
Michelle Withers, associate professor and STEM Educator, and the Center for Learning and Teaching’s Instructional Design Services Team showed us how to create a student-centered syllabus. Participants learned how to create a syllabus that emphasizes the students’ role in their learning and is more inclusive to all students.
What’s New in Brightspace
We welcomed Tamara Regulski from Information Technology Services (ITS) to lead us throughnew and improved features of Brightspace. Tamara also shared third-party tools and tech that work in Brightspace.
Tools for Teaching Students Part 2
The Center for Learning and Teaching’s Instructional Design Services Team showcased some of their favorite free and freemium applications to help build a sense of community and increase collaboration among students in your classroom or online course.
Student-Centered Syllabus
Michelle Withers, associate professor and STEM Educator, led an interacticew session on how to create a student-centered syllabus that emphasizes the students’ role in their learning and is more inclusive to all students.
Student Panel - Addressing Generational Differences in the Classroom
FUTURE EVENT Generational culture is important to educational relevance and mental health and wellbeing, as well as making a connection in the classroom. In this panel, attendees got to know challenges facing modern students (GenZ) and the trends and the ideas that get them excited about their lives and futures.
Fall 2023
Brightspace Grading and Open Discussion
We welcomed Tamara Regulski from Information Technology Services (ITS) to lead us through grading features of Brightspace. Tamara also shared third-party tools and tech that work in Brightspace.
Engaging students with evidence-based practices to improve learning and sense of belonging
Michelle Withers, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences and STEM Educator, led an interactive workshop demonstrating community-building and active learning strategies that you can incorporate into your classes to increase student engagement and improve learning and belonging. This workshop served as a teaser for the Evidence-based Teaching Institute (EBTI), a new program hosted and piloted by the CLT in Spring 2023 to help educators adopt research-backed teaching strategies to develop inclusive, student-centered active learning courses.
Meet SUNY Create: A free digital toolbox for creating and hosting websites!
Are you interested in creating a website for or with your class? Are you looking for a place to host and publish your course materials or professional site? SUNY Create is a free web hosting service offered through SUNY that gives you all the tools you need to create and host websites using a variety of platforms including WordPress, Omeka, Drupal, and Pressbooks. This informational and hands-on workshop helps participants get started.
Student Accommodations and Best Practices
Over 10% of students at º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø have self-disclosed a disability to the Services for Students with Disabilities office. For many of these students, academic accommodations are provided to assure equitable access to learning, inside and outside of the classroom. This session provided faculty and staff with insight into the complex intersectionality of disability in higher education, a better understanding of accommodations in the classroom, and review tips for best practices.
Slides Coming Soon
What’s New in Brightspace and Related Technology
Tamara Regulski from Information Technology Services (ITS) as she led us through new and improved features of Brightspace. Tamara also shared third-party tools and tech that work in Brightspace.
Information Literacy: There's a Rubric for That!
Elise Ferer from Libraries gave an interactive workshop where participants learned how to incorporate information literacy assessment into their existing rubrics and how to create a rubric that can assess for the new information literacy competency. Participants were encouraged to bring current syllabi and/or existing rubrics to the workshop along with questions about information literacy. This workshop was built upon the Information Literacy Toolkit.
Tools for Teaching - Part1
The Center for Learning and Teaching’s Instructional Design Services Team showcased some of their favorite free and freemium applications to create quality images and infographics quickly and easily. The workshop will also covered video and audio tools and best practices.
ChatGPT: What to Expect this Fall
This was a hybrid event was a conversation about ChatGPT that offered practical insights from instructors on the challenges and rewards of ChatGPT. Learn about best practices, syllabus integration, setting usage guidelines, and addressing student access concerns.
Summer Reading List
May 5
Take a book to the beach! The CLT and fellow attendees created a list of books, articles, sites, and journals for summer reading. Check out the list for summer reading suggestions!
Remember to go under the Help Tab on for support!!
Brightspace Tips and Open Discussion
February 10
Tamara Regulski from Information Technology Services (ITS) led us through new and improved features of Brightspace. She also shared third-party tools and tech that work in Brightspace. And there was plenty of time at the end for your Brightspace questions.
Remember to go under the Help Tab on for support!!
Information Literary Workshop
January 20
Wondering what information literacy might look like in your class? Check out the slides from this event where librarians gave examples and ideas on how to integrate information literacy in your class with assignments and suggested assessments. This workshop was especially intended for faculty interested in the information literacy competency as part of the new general education requirements that will go live in Fall 2023.
FALL 2022
Faculty Community of Practice Information Session
September 14, 2022
This meeting was to organize a faculty community of practice at º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø. The session was not recorded. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about the faculty community of practice contact the CLT at clt@binghamton.edu.
No Resources
What’s New in Brightspace and Related Technology
September 23, 2022
Tamara Regulski from Information Technology Services (ITS) led us through new and improved features of Brightspace. Tamara also shared third-party tools and tech that work in Brightspace.
Get Started with Gradescope
September 30, 2022
Kenneth Rogers from Gradescope presented two one-hour webinars on Gradescope. The first hour offered guidance on the delivery of assignments that are paper based or fully online, how to grade your existing exams and homework on Gradescope, and how to build a dynamic rubric and use it with multiple graders. The second hour will showcased Gradescope Bubble Sheets and how to digitally create answer keys, easily edit bubbling mistakes electronically, provide students with rich targeted feedback, and return graded work electronically.
Collaborative Class Website Creation (with Libraries’ Digital Scholarship)
October 7, 2022
SUNY Create is a suite of web development tools including familiar apps like Wordpress and Omeka in one convenient space. The workshop introduced attendees to SUNY Create, helped with sign up, and walked through creating a collaborative Wordpress site for your class. This was a joint workshop between CLT and Digital Scholarship in the libraries.
Extended Recognizing & Responding to Students in Distress
October 14, 2022
This event was an extended version of the University’s Recognizing and Responding to Students in Distress presentation. The aim was to provide a straightforward and engaging overview of what faculty and campus staff should know in order to identify a student who may be experiencing distress or struggling with a mental health concern and how to respond. Attendees also learned more about current University mental health initiatives and resources as well as participate in case scenarios to practice skills and resources learned.
This presentation was a collaborative effort between university professionals from: The Dean of Students’ CARE Team, Health and Counseling Services, Health Prevention and Promotion Services, Services for Students with Disabilities, Residential Life, University Police Department, the Healthy Campus Initiative, and the . (Due to the nature of the material covered, there are no reources. Please contact the collaborating offices for information.)
No Resources
Thinking Outside the Book Panel
October 28, 2022
No and Low-Cost Textbook Alternatives: Are you looking for ways to decrease the cost of your textbooks? Look no further!Watch the video from our panel of library faculty and staff to learn more about Open Educational Resources (OERs), Course Reserves, and other free or low-cost textbook alternatives.
Information Literacy Open House
November 18, 2022
Are you thinking about adding an information literacy component to your classes to meet the new SUNY General Education requirements (which start Fall 2023)? The Libraries can help! We have Librarians who specialize in STEM, Social Sciences, and the Humanities will be on hand to work through ideas.
Teaching G.I.F.T.S. (Great Ideas for Teaching Students)
December 2, 2022
This is always a lively and fun workshop that provides faculty with innovative teaching tools to increase student engagement and retention. Our G.I.F.T.S. workshop content is designed by the people who know our students best - our own º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø faculty - these teaching strategies can be used and adapted to any discipline for immediate use in your classrooms.