Below you'll find the hourly rates for equipment usage charged by ADL-managed facilities. Descriptions of the different user categories (i.e., Internal, External, etc.) can be found elsewhere on our website. Contact ADL staff at ADL@海角乱伦社区.edu with any questions or concerns.
Support & Consumables
Internal Academic
External Academic
IEEC Member
External Corporate
Staff Technical Support (per hour)
Consumable LN2 (per liter)
Consumable N2 gas (per m鲁)
Materials Science Core Facility (MSCF)
FOM Name Internal Academic External Academic IEEC Member External Corporate Day Night Day Night Light Microscopy 010-M1m Optical Microscope $16 $26 $41 $73 020-V200 Optical Microscope $17 $27 $41 $73 030-V12 Stereo Microscope $16 $26 $41 $73 040-QFI Infrared Microscope $37 $61 $97 $176 Electron Microscopy 050-SEM EVO-50 $37 $61 $133 $363 060-FEG-SEM Supra 55 VP $53 $37 $87 $61 $188 $363 061-VP-SEM Hitachi SU5000 $60 $45 $91 $67 $181 $340 070-FEG-SEM/FIB NanoLab 600 $63 $42 $87 $206 $666 080-FEG-TEM JEOL 2100F $53 $26 $87 $206 $605 X-ray Imaging & Analysis 110-XPS-PHl 5000 VersaProbe $42 $21 $70 $35 $164 $409 210-Phoenix X-ray Imager $32 $51 $164 $424 211-Xradia $60 $90 $250 $450 212-Xradia Workstation $15 $25 $65 $150 220-XRD X-ray Diffractometer $21 $35 $164 $363 221-XRD Hot Stage (per use) $21 $35 $48 $73 Acoustic Microscopy 240-SAM Acoustic Microscope $32 $51 $83 $157 Thermal / Mechanical Analysis 160-Horiba Ellipsometer $18 $29 $46 $116 250-DSC TA-Q200 Calorimeter $26 $43 $68 $91 260-TGA/MS Netzsch $32 $51 $83 $103 270-TGA TA-Q50 Thermo Balance $19 $31 $48 $79 280-DMA TA-Q800 $37 $61 $95 $97 290-TMA TA-Q400 $32 $51 $83 $85 300-Flash Diffusivity $16 $26 $41 $67 310-DHR30 - Rheometer $13 $20 $26 $80 Data Processing 320-IP work station 1 $11 $17 $26 $48 330-IP work station 2 $11 $17 $26 $48 Sample Preparation 350-MultiPrep-1 polisher $17 $27 $48 $85 360-MultiPrep-2 polisher $17 $27 $48 $85 370-M-Prep manual polisher $16 $26 $41 $73 380-Surfmet belt grinder $11 $18 $28 $55 390-Vibromet polisher lapper $16 $26 $48 $85 400-Dimple Grinder TEM Prep $16 $26 $41 $73 410-Ultrasonic Disk Cutter $16 $26 $41 $73 420-TechCut 4 Low Speed Saw $11 $18 $24 $41 425-Diamond Band Saw $11 $12 $13 $24 426-Trim Saw $11 $18 $24 $41 430-Techcut 5 Sectioning Saw $21 $35 $55 $97 Ion Milling / Etching 440-PECS Ion etch and coater $32 $51 $83 $299 460-Cross Section Polisher $13 $22 $41 $51 Deposition Tools 470-Carbon Coater-SEM prep (per use) $16 $26 $41 $48 480-Sputter Coater-SEM prep (per use) $16 $26 $41 $73 Mechanical Testing 510-Flex Fatigue Tester $11 $18 $40 $70 520-Environmental Flex Tester $16 $27 $67 $118 Machine Shop 530-Mesoscale machining tools For machinist use only, service fee negotiable. Powders & Porous Matter 540-Ultrapycnometer 1200E $21 $35 $85 $152 Sectioning 600-Leica Ultramicrotome $37 $61 $135 $182 601-Microtome Cryo Chamber $16 $27 $44 $58 -
Health Sciences Core Facility (HSCF)
FOM Name Internal Academic External Academic IEEC Member External Corporate 130-LSM Leica SP5 $33 $48 $126 $205 590-FACSAria Cell Sorter $70 $115 $235 $355 610-CoE autoclave - - - - 620-ZE5 Flow Cytometer $44 $70 $125 $180 630-Zeiss LSM 880 $44 $62 $131 $201 640-Synergy Neo2 Plate Reader $10 $33 $54 $74 650-Incubator Top - - - - 660-Incubator Bottom - - - - 670-Imaris Image Processing - - - - 700-Luminex 200 - - - - 710-LC-MS TimsTOF Pro2 $60 - - - 720-Metaboscape_TASQ workstation - - - - -
Surface Science Core Facility (SSCF)
FOM Name Internal Academic External Academic IEEC Member External Corporate Day Night Day Night Spectroscopy 700 - HAXPES - ScientaOmicron $75 $40 $100 $55 $225 $450 710 - XAS/XES - EasyXAFS $40 $25 $60 $35 $120 $260 711 - Cycler - Biologic (per use) - - - - 190 - FTIR Spectrometer $37 $61 $96 $109 730 - Raman - Thermo DXR - - - - Scanning Probe 090 - Atomic Force Microscope $26 $43 $68 $182 170 - Dectak-8 Stylus Profiler $16 $26 $41 $97 180 - NT1100 Optical Profiler $16 $26 $41 $97 Characterization 550 - Particle Size Analyzer $32 $52 $109 $194 Sample Preparation 790 - Ar Glovebox - Inert (per use) - - - - 791 - Spincoater (per use) - - - -