User Rates

Below you'll find the hourly rates for equipment usage charged by ADL-managed facilities. Descriptions of the different user categories (i.e., Internal, External, etc.) can be found elsewhere on our website. Contact ADL staff at ADL@海角乱伦社区.edu with any questions or concerns. 

  • Support & Consumables

    Internal Academic

    External Academic

    IEEC Member

    External Corporate 

    Staff Technical Support (per hour)





    Consumable LN2 (per liter)





    Consumable N2 gas (per m)





  • Materials Science Core Facility (MSCF)
      FOM Name Internal Academic External Academic IEEC Member External Corporate
    Day Night Day Night
    Light Microscopy 010-M1m Optical Microscope $16 $26 $41 $73
    020-V200 Optical Microscope $17 $27 $41 $73
    030-V12 Stereo Microscope $16 $26 $41 $73
    040-QFI Infrared Microscope $37 $61 $97 $176
    Electron Microscopy 050-SEM EVO-50 $37 $61 $133 $363
    060-FEG-SEM Supra 55 VP $53 $37 $87 $61 $188 $363
    061-VP-SEM Hitachi SU5000 $60 $45 $91 $67 $181 $340
    070-FEG-SEM/FIB NanoLab 600 $63 $42 $87 $206 $666
    080-FEG-TEM JEOL 2100F $53 $26 $87 $206 $605
    X-ray Imaging & Analysis 110-XPS-PHl 5000 VersaProbe $42 $21 $70 $35 $164 $409
    210-Phoenix X-ray Imager $32 $51 $164 $424
    211-Xradia $60 $90 $250 $450
    212-Xradia Workstation $15 $25 $65 $150
    220-XRD X-ray Diffractometer $21 $35 $164 $363
    221-XRD Hot Stage (per use) $21 $35 $48 $73
    Acoustic Microscopy 240-SAM Acoustic Microscope $32 $51 $83 $157
    Thermal / Mechanical Analysis 160-Horiba Ellipsometer $18 $29 $46 $116
    250-DSC TA-Q200 Calorimeter $26 $43 $68 $91
    260-TGA/MS Netzsch $32 $51 $83 $103
    270-TGA TA-Q50 Thermo Balance $19 $31 $48 $79
    280-DMA TA-Q800 $37 $61 $95 $97
    290-TMA TA-Q400 $32 $51 $83 $85
    300-Flash Diffusivity $16 $26 $41 $67
    310-DHR30 - Rheometer $13 $20 $26 $80
    Data Processing 320-IP work station 1 $11 $17 $26 $48
    330-IP work station 2 $11 $17 $26 $48
    Sample Preparation 350-MultiPrep-1 polisher $17 $27 $48 $85
    360-MultiPrep-2 polisher $17 $27 $48 $85
    370-M-Prep manual polisher $16 $26 $41 $73
    380-Surfmet belt grinder $11 $18 $28 $55
    390-Vibromet polisher lapper $16 $26 $48 $85
    400-Dimple Grinder TEM Prep $16 $26 $41 $73
    410-Ultrasonic Disk Cutter $16 $26 $41 $73
    420-TechCut 4 Low Speed Saw $11 $18 $24 $41
    425-Diamond Band Saw $11 $12 $13 $24
    426-Trim Saw $11 $18 $24 $41
    430-Techcut 5 Sectioning Saw $21 $35 $55 $97
    Ion Milling / Etching 440-PECS Ion etch and coater $32 $51 $83 $299
    460-Cross Section Polisher $13 $22 $41 $51
    Deposition Tools 470-Carbon Coater-SEM prep (per use) $16 $26 $41 $48
    480-Sputter Coater-SEM prep (per use) $16 $26 $41 $73
    Mechanical Testing 510-Flex Fatigue Tester $11 $18 $40 $70
    520-Environmental Flex Tester $16 $27 $67 $118
    Machine Shop 530-Mesoscale machining tools For machinist use only, service fee negotiable.
    Powders & Porous Matter 540-Ultrapycnometer 1200E $21 $35 $85 $152
    Sectioning 600-Leica Ultramicrotome $37 $61 $135 $182
    601-Microtome Cryo Chamber $16 $27 $44 $58
  • Health Sciences Core Facility (HSCF)
    FOM Name Internal Academic External Academic IEEC Member External Corporate
    130-LSM Leica SP5 $33 $48 $126 $205
    590-FACSAria Cell Sorter $70 $115 $235 $355
    610-CoE autoclave - - - -
    620-ZE5 Flow Cytometer $44 $70 $125 $180
    630-Zeiss LSM 880 $44 $62 $131 $201
    640-Synergy Neo2 Plate Reader $10 $33 $54 $74
    650-Incubator Top - - - -
    660-Incubator Bottom - - - -
    670-Imaris Image Processing - - - -
    700-Luminex 200 - - - -
    710-LC-MS TimsTOF Pro2 $60 - - -
    720-Metaboscape_TASQ workstation - - - -
  • Surface Science Core Facility (SSCF)
      FOM Name Internal Academic External Academic IEEC Member External Corporate
    Day Night Day Night
    Spectroscopy 700 - HAXPES - ScientaOmicron $75 $40 $100 $55 $225 $450
    710 - XAS/XES - EasyXAFS $40 $25 $60 $35 $120 $260
    711 - Cycler - Biologic (per use) - - - -
    190 - FTIR Spectrometer $37 $61 $96 $109
    730 - Raman - Thermo DXR - - - -
    Scanning Probe 090 - Atomic Force Microscope $26 $43 $68 $182
    170 - Dectak-8 Stylus Profiler $16 $26 $41 $97
    180 - NT1100 Optical Profiler $16 $26 $41 $97
    Characterization 550 - Particle Size Analyzer $32 $52 $109 $194
    Sample Preparation 790 - Ar Glovebox - Inert (per use) - - - -
    791 - Spincoater (per use) - - - -