November 2018
º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø team attends MSCHE Self-Study Institute
Provost Senior Staff meets several times to discuss approach to Self-Study with input from Self-Study Institute attendees
Discussions among members of the Senior Officers Group (SOG)
President and Provost agree on approach for creating Self-Study Design
December 2018
- Provost invites members of the faculty, administration, and staff to serve as Co-Chairs of Working Groups
- Acceptances of invitations
- Provost appoints Associate Director of Accreditation Planning
January 2019
- Co-Chairs propose names of faculty and staff members for invitations to Working Groups
- Associate Director of Accreditation Planning begins outlines for Self-Study Design discussions
February 2019
First meeting of Steering Committee
Steering Committee develops preliminary areas of inquiry for Working Groups
Invitations for Self-Study Preparation Visit sent to members of the º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Council
Draft of Self-Study Design discussed by Steering Committee
Provost invites faculty and staff members to join Working Groups
March 2019
- Preliminary draft of Self-Study Design completed and presented to Provost and President
- Draft of Self-Study Design finalized
April 2019
- Self-Study Design presented to Faculty Senate Executive Committee and Professional Staff Senate
- Self-Study Design is submitted to Middle States liaison Vice President Fogarty
- Steering Committee provides guidelines to Working Groups
- Working Groups develop questions and approach to meeting the criteria of assigned Standard
- º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø hosts Middle States liaison Vice President Fogarty for Self- Study Preparation Visit
May 2019
Self-Study Design revisions are submitted to Middle States liaison Vice President Fogarty
Middle States approval of Self-Study Design
Working Groups report to Co-Chairs and suggest areas of focus for Self-Study Report chapters
Steering Committee provides feedback to Working Groups
º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Self-Study website launched
Working Groups begin to develop outlines of chapters
June – August 2019
- Steering Committee provides feedback to Working Groups on outlines
- Working Groups begin drafts for designated chapters
September 2019
- Steering Committee reviews outlines and drafts for designated chapters and provides feedback
- Middle States Evaluation Team Chair Selected
December 2019
- Working Groups complete chapter drafts
January 2020
- Working Groups submit drafts of designated chapters to Steering Committee
February 2020
- Steering Committee suggests revisions to drafts
- Steering Committee develops executive summary, introduction, and conclusion for Self-Study Report
- Working Groups revise and complete drafts
March 2020
- Working Groups submit completed chapters to Steering Committee
- Steering Committee approves Self-Study Report
- Self-Study Report shared with President and campus community
April 2020
- Campus forums and feedback
- Middle States Evaluation Team Chair Visits Campus
May 2020
- Steering Committee completes final revisions of self-study
- Steering committee shares final Self-Study Report with the President for transmittal to Middle States