Yingge Zhou
Assistant Professor
Yingge Zhou received his PhD in the Department of Industrial, Manufacturing & Systems Engineering (IMSE) at Texas Tech University in 2020. He earned his BS in mechanical engineering and business administration at Xiangtan University, China, in 2014, and his master鈥檚 degree in industrial engineering from Texas Tech University in 2016. His current research focuses on microfabrication and hybrid manufacturing of 3D biomimetic architecture for biomedical applications. He made a major contribution to developing an innovative electrospinning strategy inducing rapid self-assembly of aligned 3D nanofiber scaffolds that create a biomimetic environment to facilitate cell morphogenesis. He also conducted pioneering work on the integration of silver nanoparticles and microcurrent for antimicrobial ultrafiltration membranes. His most recent work focuses on rapid fabrication of nanoporous microtubes as artificial capillary vessels for tissue engineering. He has published more than 20 refereed journal papers and conference papers. His teaching interests include manufacturing systems, additive manufacturing processes and systems, and biomedical design and manufacturing. He is a member of IISE and ASME.
- PhD, Texas Tech University, 2020
- MS, Texas Tech University, 2016
- BS, Xiangtan University, 2014
Research Interests
- Tissue Engineering
- Additive Manufacturing
- Biomedical Manufacturing
- M&D Best Student Paper Award, IISE Annual Conference 2020
- Research Assistantship, TTU 2016-2020
- TTU Milton/Jim Smith Engineering Scholarship, TTU 2016-2017
- Banasik IE Graduate Scholarship, TTU 2015-2016
- University Outstanding Students Award, Xiangtan University 2011-2012
More Info
- Zhou, Y., & Tan, G. Z. (2020). Core鈥揝heath Wet Electrospinning of Nanoporous Polycaprolactone Microtubes to Mimic Fenestrated Capillaries. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2000180.
- Sooriyaarachchi, D., Zhou, Y., Maharubin, S., & Tan, G. Z. (2020). Microtube-Embedded Microfluidic Devices for Potential Applications in Blood Brain Barrier Research. Procedial Manufacturing, 48, 294-301.
- Zaman, M. A. U., Sooriyaarachchi, D., Zhou, Y. G., Tan, G. Z., &; Du, D. P. (2020). Modeling the density gradient of 3D nanofiber scaffolds fabricated by divergence electrospinning. Advances in Manufacturing, 1-16.
- Zhou, Y., Hu, Z., Du, D., & Tan, G. Z. (2019). The Effects of Collector Geometry on the Internal Structure of the 3D Nanofiber Scaffold Fabricated by Divergent Electrospinning. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 100(9-12), 3045-3054.
- Zhou, Y., Thakurathi, M., Quitevis, E. L., & Tan, G. Z. (2019). Electrospinning 3D Nanofiber Structure of Polycaprolactone Incorporated with Silver Nanoparticles. The Journal of The Minerals, Metals, & Materials Society, 71(3), 956-962.
- Zhou, Y., Maharubin, S., Sooriyaarachchi, D., & Tan, G.Z. (2019), The Effect of Nanoclay on Nanofiber Density Gradient in 3D Scaffolds Fabricated by Divergence Electrospinning. Procedia Manufacturing 34 (2019): 110-117.
- Maharubin, S., Zhou, Y., & Tan, G. Z. (2019). Integration of Silver Nanoparticles and Microcurrent for Water Filtration. Separation and Purification Technology, 212, 57-64.
- Wang, M., Zhou, Y., & Tan, G. Z. (2019). Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) on the Microstructure Gradient of Biomimetic Nanofiber Scaffolds Fabricated by Cone Electrospinning. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 44, 55-61.
- Tan, G.Z., & Zhou, Y. (2019). Electrospinning of Biomimetic Fibrous Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering: A Review. International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 1-14.
- Maharubin, S., Nayak, C., Phatak, O., Kurhade, A., Singh, M., Zhou, Y., & Tan, G. (2019). Polyvinylchloride Coated with Silver Nanoparticles and Zinc Oxide Nanowires for Antimicrobial Applications. Materials Letters, 249, 108-111.
- Tan, G. Z., & Zhou, Y. (2018). Tunable 3D Nanofiber Architecture of Polycaprolactone by Divergence Electrospinning for Potential Tissue Engineering Applications. Nano-microletters, 10(4), 73.
- Zhou, Y., Maharubin, S., Tran, P., Reid, T., & Tan, G. Z. (2018). Anti-biofilm AgNP-polyaniline-polysulfone Composite Membrane Activated by Low Intensity Direct/Alternating Current. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 4(10), 1511-1521.
- Maharubin, S., Zhou, Y., & Tan, G. Z. (2018). Development and Investigation on a Silver Nanoparticle-Incorporated Electrofiltration System for Biofouling Control. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 17(5), 948-954.
- Zhou, Y., Chyu, J., & Zumwalt, M. (2018). Recent Progress of Fabrication of Cell Scaffold by Electrospinning Technique for Articular Cartilage Tissue Engineering. International journal of biomaterials, 2018.
- Nowlin, J., Bismi, M. A., Delpech, B., Dumas, P., Zhou, Y., & Tan, G. Z. (2018). Engineering the Hard鈥揝oft Tissue Interface with Random-to-Aligned Nanofiber Scaffolds. Nanobiomedicine, 5, 1849543518803538.
- Liu, Z., Wang, X., Kim, H., Zhou, Y., Cong, W., & Zhang, H. (2018). Investigations of Energy Density Effects on Forming Accuracy and Mechanical Properties of Inconel 718 Fabricated by LENS Process. Procedia Manufacturing, 26, 731-739.
- Zhou, Y., & Tan, G. Z. (2017). Fabrication of Nanofiber Mats with Microstructure Gradient by Cone Electrospinning. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, 7, 1847980417748478.
- Liu, Z., Cong, W., Kim, H., Ning, F., Jiang, Q., Li, T., Zhang, H., & Zhou, Y. (2017). Feasibility Exploration of Superalloys for AISI 4140 Steel Repairing using Laser Engineered Net Shaping. Procedia Manufacturing, 10, 912-922.
- Liu, Z., Ning, F., Cong, W., Jiang, Q., Li, T., Zhang, H., & Zhou, Y. (2016). Energy Consumption and Saving Analysis for Laser Engineered Net Shaping of Metal Powders. Energies, 9(10), 763.