We investigate the statistical mechanical properties of soft materials, like biomolecules, in confined topologies. We are interested in exploring the scaling laws predicting the conformation and dynamics of polymers, like individual DNA molecules, in nanofluidic structures. We typically fabricate nanofluidic channels in fused silica wafers using tools available at the º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Nanofabrication Lab or at . We electrophoretically manipulate DNA inside these channels to study their biophysical and transport properties. DNA molecules are extremely interesting polymers due to their high linear charge, flexibility, aspect ratio, and genetic role in biological organisms.

L. Dai, J. Jones, A. Klotz, S. Levy, P. Doyle. "Nanoconfinement greatly speeds up the nucleation and the annealing in single-DNA collapse." Soft Matter, 2017, Advance Article.
A. Klepinger, M. Greenier, and S. Levy. "Stretching DNA Molecules in Strongly Confining Nanoslits." Published on web, Macromolecules, December, 2015.
A. Bevan et al. [BaBar and Belle Collaborations], "The Physics of the B Factories," Eur. Phys. J. 2014, C 74, 3026.
L. Wu and S. Levy. "Fluctuations of DNA mobility in nanofluidic entropic traps," Biomicrofluidics 2014, 8, 044103.
J. Benitez, J. Topolancik, H. Tian, C. Wallin, D. Latulippe, K. Szeto, P. Murphy, B. Cipriany, S. Levy, P. Soloway, H. Craighead, "Microfluidic Extraction, Stretching and Analysis of Human Chromosomal DNA from Single Cells," Lab on a Chip 2012, 12, 4848–4854.
B. Cipriany, P. Murphy, J. Hagarman, A. Cerf, D. Latulippe, S. Levy, J. BenÃtez, C. Tan, J. Topolancik, P. Soloway, H. Craighead, "Real-time analysis and selection of methylated DNA by fluorescence-activated single molecule sorting in a nanofluidic channel," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2012, 109, 8477–8482.
J. Tang, S. Levy, D. Trahan, J. Jones, H. Craighead, P. Doyle. "Revisiting the Conformation and Dynamics of DNA in Slitlike Confinement," Macromolecules 2010, 43, 7368-7377.
B.R. Cipriany, R. Zhao, P.J. Murphy, S.L. Levy, C.P. Tan, P.D. Soloway, H.G. Craighead. "Single Molecule Epigenetic Analysis in a Nanofluidic Channel," Analytical Chemistry 2010, 82, 2480-2487.
S. Levy, H. Craighead. "DNA Manipulation, Sorting and Mapping in Nanofluidic Systems," Chemical Society Reviews 2010, 39, 1133-1152.
S. Levy§, J. Mannion§, J. Cheng, C. Reccius, H. Craighead. "Entropic Unfolding of DNA Molecules in Nanofluidic Channels," Nano Letters 2008, 8, 3839-3844.
§These authors contributed equally.E. Strychalski§, S. Levy§, H. Craighead. "DNA Diffusion in Nanoslits," Macromolecules 2008, 41, 7716-7721.
§These authors contributed equally. -
Selected High Energy Physics Publications
B. Aubert et al. "Measurement of the branching fraction and polarization for the decay B- --> D0* K-," Physical Review Letters 2004, 92, 141801.
B. Aubert et al. "Measurement of the CP-violating asymmetry amplitude sin2beta with B0 mesons," Physical Review Letters 2002, 89, 201802.
B. Aubert et al. "Observation of CP violation in the B0 meson system," Physical Review Letters 2001, 87, 091801.
A. A. Affolder et al. "Test of CMS tracker silicon detector modules with the ARC system," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 2004, 535, 374.
S. L. Levy, "Observation of CP violation in the neutral B meson system," SLAC-R-072
G. P. Gilfoyle, S. Levy, and M. Mestayer, "Spatial resolution of the nose cone prototype drift chamber", 1997, CLAS-Note-96-009.
(from inSPIRE)
(from inSPIRE)
August 2015
Alexander submits his paper on Stretching DNA in Nanoslits to MacromoleculesJune 2015
Congratulations to Lingling for defending her thesis!January 2015
Madeline and Katerina present their posters on the Free Energy of Confined DNA and Testing Students Misconceptions on the Photoelectric Effect respectively at the APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics.August 2014
Professor Levy wins a Faculty Early Career Development award from the NSF to study DNA molecules transported through carbon nanotubes.July 2014
Lingling's on fluctuations of DNA mobility in nanofluidic entropic traps is published in Biomicrofluidics.March 2014
Lingling presents her results on mobility fluctuations of DNA in entropic traps at the American Physical Society Meeting in Colorado.July 2011
Undergraduates Amber Whelsky (Physics) and Nicholas Gonzalez (Biology) present a poster on the diffusion of individual p53 molecules to targets on stretched DNA as part of the º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø-HHMI interdisciplinary research program. Their work received an Honorable Mention for being in the top 10% of the 850 applications to the 'Posters on the Hill'. -
Other Groups and Collaborators:
- (Cornell)
- Paul McEuen (Cornell)
- (Princeton)
- (MIT)
- (MIT)
- (McGill)
- (NC State)
- Derek Stein (Brown)
- (UMass Amherst)
- (º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø)
- Paul Soloway (Cornell)
Group Members
Stefan McCarthy
Graduate Student
Office: S2-G53
Madeline Greenier
Graduate Students
Lingling Wu (PhD)
Alexander Klepinger: Physics graduate student at
TaeKen Kim: Physics graduate student at
Gavin Osterhoudt: Physics graduate student at
Amber Whelsky: Graduate student at
Dimitrius Khaladj: PhD student in Nanoengineering and Sciences at the Albany College of Nano Science and Engineering
Melissa Stanke
Contact Info