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headshot of Mir Jalil Razavi

Mir Jalil Razavi

Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering


Mir Jalil Razavi received his MS degree in solid mechanics from University of Tabriz in 2009 and his PhD degree in Engineering (mechanics and materials) from the University of Georgia in 2018. He joined the mechanical engineering department at º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø in fall 2018. His research interests include solid mechanics, mechanics of soft/bio materials, fracture and fatigue mechanics. He develops analytical and computational models to study mechanical behavior of solid structures.

Nowadays, the mechanics of soft/bio materials is very important by the development of new engineering and biomedical technologies. Mechanical behavior of soft materials is strongly nonlinear from both physical (constitutive equations) and geometrical (large deformations) standpoints which makes their study challenging. Recently, Jalil is doing research in the theoretical and computational modeling of growth, instability and folding of a growing brain.

The brain mechanics is a fully interdisciplinary research area which integrates multiple scientific, engineering, and computational disciplines. The goal of his research is developing innovative and cutting-edge computational and technological approaches to study the links between brain growth and post-instability morphogenesis. This effort will lead to new insights into topics such as fundamental mechanisms for development and organization of cerebral cortex.

Mechanics of Soft/Bio Materials Lab


  • BS, University of Tabriz
  • MS, University of Tabriz
  • PhD, University of Georgia

Research Interests

  • Solid/bio mechanics
  • Mechanics of soft/bio materials
  • Finite element modeling
  • Fracture and fatigue mechanics

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