Digital Humanities Research Institute at º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø

About the DHRI

Hosted by the º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Libraries
Organized by the Libraries' Digital Scholarship team (Amy Gay and Ruth Carpenter) and Harpur's Digital and Data Studies (DiDa) coordinators (Gregory Hallenbeck and Melissa Haller)

Our third DHRI took place August 7 – August 11, 2023, and include introductory sessions and advanced learning sessions for past DHRI participants and those who are selected in the new cohort. 

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Scholars in the humanities have embraced new technologies and integrated innovative computational methods with their long-standing approaches to the study of literature, art, culture and society. Broadly defined, the digital humanities have opened up a new set of analytical pathways across the fields of history, art history, literature, philosophy and other areas. Yet, most humanities scholars have not been trained in these new methods and may be hesitant to introduce them in the classroom. Graduate students look toward an evolving job market, both academic and non-academic, which calls for new skillsets and capabilities. In order to build proficiencies in the digital humanities and to promote the effective integration of technology into humanities research and pedagogy at º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø, the Libraries will host the Digital Humanities Research Institute every other year (odd years) during the summer before the fall semester starts. The goal is to foster a dynamic, robust and generative community of digital humanities researchers and teachers at º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø.

DHRI sessions include topics that build foundational skills, like command line, data visualization, text analysis, programming languages, mapping, and web publishing. There were no prerequisites, although all the participants were expected to attend each session, as they will build upon skills progressively.

The DHRI is open to any graduate students, faculty, librarians, and professional staff who working on (or interested in working on) a data-driven humanities project.  

Advisory Board for 2023 º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø DHRI

Erin Cody, Director, Harpur Edge

Emily Creo, Visual and Performing Arts Librarian

Kenneth Kurtz, Professor, Psychology

Laura Pangallozzi, Instructor, Geography

Mary Tuttle, Subject Librarian for History; Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Studies (MEAMS)

Lisa Yun, Associate Professor, Asian and Asian American Studies; English, General Literature, and Rhetoric; Translation Research and Instruction Program (TRIP)

Learn More About Our Past º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø DHRIs!

The first two DHRIs were co-organized by Amy Gay, assistant head of digital initiatives for digital scholarship, º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Libraries, and Nancy Um, professor of art history and associate dean of Harpur College. Both organizers were trained to design and lead the DHRI at an intensive 10-day workshop held at the .

To view content from our past DHRIs, along with its schedule, participants, curriculum, and instructors, click the links below:

Questions may be directed to the Libraries' Digital Scholarship team via email.

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