Cameron and her lab investigate the effect of early environmental conditions on development, physiology and behavior in mammals. Using an animal model of natural variations in maternal care they have been able to study the parental influences on the reproductive system, and mood, anxiety and depression-like behaviors of the female offspring. They are also investigating the effects of natural variation in maternal care on alcohol use and abuse. Their research tools include behavioral testing, cellular biology (Immunohistology, Western blotting, qRT-PCR and DNA methylation), pharmacology (central and peripheral drug infusion) and physiology (EIA and brain microdyalises) to investigate the impact of parental care on the offspring's phenotype. Their research is critical in defining the causal role of parental care on offspring development.
- PhD, Boston University
- BS, Universite du Quebec, Montreal
Research Interests
- Effects of early life stressors
- Neuroendocrinology
- Mammalian physiology
- Evolution and behavior